where a trilateral commission consisting of one representative leaning left and one right have to lead by majority with a centrist completing the commission. In other words we have three leaders and two have to agree or compromise to do anything. Thoughts
How about a system where citizens have all the civil rights except the franchise, which has to be earned through some form of national service. Robert Heinlein suggested that model in Starship Troopers.
How about instead of three ppl to make even worse choices: a cabinet to hold disinformation & misinformation spreaders criminally accountable + overturn Citizens United that pumps billions into making that possible & removing red states from the collective genitalia of the population?
Do we really need a 1-dimensional line constraining our thinking to two poles, without any of the complexity needed to evolve as a real system in which all can thrive?
Setting ourselves up for MORE Polarity... is not the best path.
Stop looking there just because you've been there before
Note *your* research implying democracy writ large is a factor of mob mentality...
Which sociologists are you quoting here? That modus of thinking was debunked nearly a century ago so - really - I would *love* to know where you're getting this from!
From the fact that a man who is the epitome of. Evil has the “mob” voting for him because “they are eating the dogs they are eating the cats” are you a moron?
I am not a moron. However, you are clearly uneducated. There are multiple factors involved w/the current situation & while radicalization (of MAGA) is a factor, "mob mentality" is not only an outmoded reference but does not clearly describe what happened in the last election cycle, Dude😱
Well, at least this makes it clear you're not a bot..
But, dearheart, why are you So full of the Mad cuz I asked for references?
I believe that there was a Sh*tt0n of manipulation happening during this last election - most of it to corral the sheep in society that hate the rest.. but why so mad?
Because plenty of peer reviewed papers have shown that the wisdom of the crowds is reduced to the lowest I.q. In the bunch. I will sure papers if you so require! But we both already know I am right! Boy! How’s it in Russia boy?
One that's structured like our biological nervous systems -a multi-scale, high-dimensional circuitry in which we ensure all get the knowledge they need to make best decisions for the whole, and not merely be driven by the worst aspects of human nature.
Setting ourselves up for MORE Polarity... is not the best path.
Stop looking there just because you've been there before
Which sociologists are you quoting here? That modus of thinking was debunked nearly a century ago so - really - I would *love* to know where you're getting this from!
I am not a moron. However, you are clearly uneducated. There are multiple factors involved w/the current situation & while radicalization (of MAGA) is a factor, "mob mentality" is not only an outmoded reference but does not clearly describe what happened in the last election cycle, Dude😱
But, dearheart, why are you So full of the Mad cuz I asked for references?
I believe that there was a Sh*tt0n of manipulation happening during this last election - most of it to corral the sheep in society that hate the rest.. but why so mad?
Dude, I'm an agnostic... why you so mad?
Evolution, not revolution.
Still possible now