whatever we are thinking in our hearts, please remember there are legal consequences for things you say! plz do not write down your wishes for violence or say them publicly!
Reposted from
Chrissy Stroop
I shouldn’t have to say this but do not post calls for assassinations in my mentions.
First Amendment protections don’t cover incitement to violence, and the Trump regime is undoubtedly going to trample all over even speech it does cover.
Speak out, but don’t be stupid
First Amendment protections don’t cover incitement to violence, and the Trump regime is undoubtedly going to trample all over even speech it does cover.
Speak out, but don’t be stupid
I thought we went over that rule when we started using email a few decades ago?
Also, worth noting is that a healthy diet is conducive to better health and longevity. You wouldn't want to drop dead from eating fast food all the time.
A quarter-century ago, we did NOT openly discuss pass assassinations without a TON of context padding around anything the Secret Service could be using as keywords. Not online, not in speech.
I've been trained out of saying most of the phrases I would need.
DO NOT advertise on social media that you want to, or have made, such a guide. The Net has Ears, and if any of your readers break laws/hurt others/damage property using your tips you WILL be held responsible.