The impact of ever larger cars - surely this is the major contributor to falling bus speeds in London. Calculations follow but over the last 25 years the growth in width of the average car is the equivalent of up c16% reduction in road width.
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A big SUV is now OVER 2m wide (Bmw X5). there are lots of big older cars in the second hand market, and even non-premium cars have got massively wider.
With 4 oversized SUVs at 2m vs 1.6m 1998 Golfs you've 'lost' 1.6m space - a 17% effective drop in the 9.5m road width
1.2 on the single parked 7.5m road- 16%.
Is it any wonder buses are slower?
Private car owners have taken ever more road for themselves.
Just 1% of roads that are bus served roads have cycle facilites.
Congestion has risen despite motor traffic being flat and in boroughs that have installed now cycle infra or LTNs.
But cars have got bigger and wider - taking up more space.