I'm 1 million % fine with new PR stuff. But for the love that all is good. No more MMPR. DO SOMETHING NEW. There are dozens of modern Super Sentais that haven't been adapted. Do something with stuff that's older than Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger. Sure, you can't take the cheap PE route with that stuff,
I think they used Netflix to test the waters. Since Cosmic Fury only used Sentai footage for the Zords and had a different tone. The reboot is gonna be geared towards a wider audience but still being a lower rating that TV-PG and no longer using Sentai footage.
While I'd be kinda excited to see a Power Ranger series w/ Disney level funding behind them. The “live action” bit really doesn't make any sense. While there happened many animated references in similar series like Voltron to it. There was never an animated Power Rangers show. This was so very weird
It's just how Deadline reported it and every other outlet used the same wording and now people are getting hung up on 'live-action' even though it's a non-issue.
Yeah but it's gotten fans almost up in arms and confused by that statement that no one corrected them on before it was posted.
That's like saying Disney just bought the rights from WB and planned on releasing an animated version of Powerpuff Girls; And not expect a similar response.
That's like saying Disney just bought the rights from WB and planned on releasing an animated version of Powerpuff Girls; And not expect a similar response.