Fancy Pants thinks he’s too good for Boeing Air Force One planes. Probably wants Musk to custom make him one, since we will all be paying for it with the money we save on eggs.
Otherwise we never give it a thought.
It's like the golden horse carriages of monarchic days.
I am not impressed by this power demonstration. It's show time, right?
Com on down to cowboy bills used plane emporium!
You hate it now, but wait till you fly it!
Have we got a deal for you!
Trump is mad his new plane isn’t done.
He wants to buzz Nascar again — for fun.
He’ll take a used one. Where should he go?
There’s a slightly bruised one in Toronto.
Ilyushin Il-96
"Trump's renewed engagement could signal further problems for Boeing, which said the company was meeting his billionaire cost-cutting ally Elon Musk to get the plane updated quicker, according to analysts."