Agruably, Oklahoma voted Red because they believed the rhetoric that Trump would make them great (and less poor) again. Unfortunately they didn't understand (perhaps because of the education numbers) that if you vote for a con man - you get conned.
You really should have to pass a test to be able to vote.
Same goes for procreating.
Without ignorance the GOP wouldn't even exist.
The lowest 2 (or even more) performing states should just lose their right to vote completely. Maybe that would give them some incentive to better themselves.
Love the message, but let’s be real: charts like this won’t change minds. For many, Dem policies are the root cause of these rankings. To shift that narrative, you’d need to wade into the chicken-egg swamp of history, identity, and propaganda—no one’s got time for nuance. US votes vibes, not data.
It is almost like, if you don’t want anyone else to have anything and let fear rule, you’ll reap what you sow. Same is true for voting with hope and faith in your fellow humans and a willingness to vote for a system that benefits all.
Actually, according to the chart, it only hovers near the 45th percentile.
Never forget the state motto of Alabama, after all: “Thank God for Mississippi!”
We should let each state take care of itself. That way blue states can put the money into what they value and red states can realize how DEPENDENT they are on us. Let's sever the fucking financials.
I know that. I never realized how brainwashed family and friends were until I left the 4 states area. I miss it, but will miss it from afar for now. Keep up the good fight, I'm here for you all fighting across the 4 states! Take care!
This is s why I live in MA. We also have the strictest gun laws and we have an assault weapons ban. I cannot imagine living anywhere people can carry guns in public.
There were still 30% of the population in OK who voted Harris and probably more if there was less restrictive voting laws and less gerrymandering. Alienating or making generalizations about people from the whole state is not how to rebuild the party in my opinion. We need to get better at listening
I will never "get better at listening" to the worst among us. I have nothing to learn from ignorant racists, many of whom have voted for Trump not once, not twice, but three times.
Maybe it's time for **them** to start listening - and actually educating themselves. Stop giving them a free pass.
There are common values, like earning a decent wage, owning a home and putting food on the table for our families. Sure, not all values are common but focusing on the values that are common is where progress starts
Just going down the list for 'blue dot' keywords to try and help folks out. has starter packs for Blue Dots per state. Might help you find some mutuals for support, safety and organizing.
This is the point of reducing access to education. They don’t know they can demand change because they don’t understand there is a different way of living. Talking and connecting that there are other experiences in life beyond their own is how you promote change.
And consider the 5 states with the highest age-adjusted death rates (Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and West Virginia) vs states with the lowest death rates (California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Minnesota, and New York).
The red state death rate is 50% higher.
...that's FIFTY! Big FIVE-OH!
Republicans have very little incentive to improve people’s lives, because the more miserable and angry their voters are, the more likely they are to turn out and vote. And they won’t vote Dem - Fox News makes sure of that.
Please know that despite "unanimous" in the title not everyone here in Oklahoma voted for Trump. 💙
(Fwiw our miserable education ranking etc has occurred over the last 14 yrs of GOP governors. Prior we had been better and improving.)
Poverty is a big stressor and shortens your life.
Illness causes the majority of Debt defaults.
Ignorance limits your choices in Life.
Same goes for procreating.
Without ignorance the GOP wouldn't even exist.
The lowest 2 (or even more) performing states should just lose their right to vote completely. Maybe that would give them some incentive to better themselves.
Never forget the state motto of Alabama, after all: “Thank God for Mississippi!”
Ya, wonderful
OK 44th 72.7yrs
MA 2nd 79.6yrs
How much is 7 yrs of life worth?
Somehow, they currently voting for people who absolutely intend to make their lives shittier.
Maybe it's time for **them** to start listening - and actually educating themselves. Stop giving them a free pass.
The red state death rate is 50% higher.
...that's FIFTY! Big FIVE-OH!