hope u dont mind me butting in bt i think ppl generally underestimate just how many ppl have been disabled since childhood and just Didnt Get Checked Out because adults are woefully unprepared to deal with kids having a disability, especially if the symptoms are pain, posture issues,+
Reposted from
Typewriter Monke
You may be wondering how I have all these issues I've only begun to acknowledge in recent years. The answer to this is that when I was a kid, every time I brought up an issue the universally presented solution involved giving me more tasks to do.
'i'm not doing that, i'm trying to stop it but that's their resting position'
'try harder and stop making up excuses, no ones knees rest like that, you're doing it on purpose' is an interaction ive had countless times over the years with the brittle wisp of a
(fun fact she is now a medical doctor lmao. horrible. hope to get her license revoked someday)
and this is a problem as an adult too dont get me wrong but like. as an adult i was able to eventually get diagnosed, it just took a lot of convincing ppl to listen, bt doing that as a kid is
('condition' etc type language doesnt apply to autism bt wa. also autistic, hate having to (try to) be concise/generalistic due to character limit)
even when i was having 3 panic attacks a day at work, if i missed even a single day i got screamed at for hours lmfao