But not all stories need conflict either. Sometimes having conflict can block the story. Depends on the type of story. Conflict Theory came about in the 19th century. Conflict in stories was ported over by Percy Lubbock. Before that, it was argued as morality for European works.
It definitely varies depending on culture and publishing goals! Western tradi publishing is still pretty non-negotiable with conflict, but indie/self-publishing has much more flexibility and traditions like Kishotenketsu offer alternative approaches!
There's also process, ASMR, and Oddly Satisfying. If you add conflict to those, people get really upset and will start complaining. I've read a lot of pushback on cooking and building type of shows, etc where the producers added conflict. Consumers HATE it.
I hadn't thought of ASMR, but that's a great point! Never even heard of process or Oddly Satisfying! What are they? I've tried googling but sadly it's not proved very helpful!