Wikipedia says it may be called grapefruit because of the way the fruits cluster on the branches OR because it tastes similar to grapes. The first seems more likely than the second, but I've never grown grapefruits.
I did not know until too recently, that grapefruit can screw up prescription medicines- I used to go through phases of hating it and finding it delicious.
We have a delicious Cas Guava tree with fruit that tastes like grapefruit!
We also sell the seedlings, so I looked up 'grapefruit guava' to see if anyone else might already call it that, and no. But it is the name of a THC strain. 😂
Atlas Obscura: In 1664, a Dutch physician named Wouter Schouden visited Barbados and described the citrus he sampled there as “tasting like unripe grapes.”
In 1814, John Lunan, a British plantation and slave owner from Jamaica, reported that this fruit was named “on account of its resemblance in flavour to the grape.”
Speaking of weird names, what does a horse have to do with a radish?
Sad i cannot enjoy them anymore.
We also sell the seedlings, so I looked up 'grapefruit guava' to see if anyone else might already call it that, and no. But it is the name of a THC strain. 😂
Much healthier that way. 😂
Also, it’s so odd to be stuck with poorly incorrectly named things for no reason