This is the strategy of the MAGAT republicans. Keep their lost constituents uneducated so they believe the misinformation and lies they’re inundated with. #gopcult
I think that is why it is so important to get ahead of it. Tell them this is what is going to happen with these GOP policies. And when it does, hammer it down. The one thing GOP has done successfully is beat the same drum over and over again, in lockstep with each other.
We NEED an organized effort
You are right that there is a core group who will never budge but that is not every GOP voter. There is room for persuasion if you hammer on issues they care about.
We didn't do enough before. We are behind in the social media landscape. We have to find a way to catch up. They have been plotting this for decades. We have to do something different. And I don't know where to start but something has to give.
I lived in Boebert's NEW district before moving to Texas. My Republican neighbors here are the same as people there. Some of these hard-headed folks know in their hearts that they're being screwed but can't admit it, and it might help to show them the receipts.
Okay , well I guess we will disagree but I can see that your point is probably valid to you, nothing wrong with that.
My point was that the red voters in his circle aren't anything like the red voters we know and see on a daily basis. They have 20 mill houses where he sleeps.
Oh he's definitely the best ultra wealthy person I'm aware of. I know Bezos ex wife is a pretty generous person but I've never seen her speak on anything.
Good convo , nice to not agree with someone without it becoming ugly.
I know people who live in a very red state who are scared. They feel they can't speak out. I know people in red areas who voted for Trump precisely because Kamala never bother to visit their state.
Right, because in the 107 days she didn’t get to every part of the US, that’s why they didn’t vote for her. She didn’t make it to my state either but I voted for her.
I disagree. Red as can be where I live and yet Dems who get out and knock on doors and engage on the issues get people on board with initiatives that oppose the GOP.
If we don’t engage with people, you’re automatically denying them the chance to change their mind. That’s not helping the problem. People want to feel like they’re apart of a community so why not try and bring some conservatively minded people into the fold? You only do that with engagement.
I work with a large number of MAGA types and talk to them about this kind of stuff daily. You’ll find most people want the same things and once you establish the common ground, the conversation is easy. I’m not saying the Democratic Party is right here either. They need to change their focus.
Raising the minimum wage, affordable healthcare, zoning reform to build more houses to make it more affordable, paid parental leave. Those are policies anyone who works for a living should be willing to support.
I’m in a red state too and couldn’t agree more. If you can find common ground with them on anything - like prescription drug prices, health insurance, etc they will listen. People basically want the same thing, some are absolutely just racist and terrible, but a lot want the same things we do.
putting seed of an idea out here in hopes it will find fertile ground - in response to Trump's takeover of Kennedy center - the creation of Kennedy Center in Exile - to play benefit concerts at various venues around country for new 4 years till hopeful return of sanity
A vast majority of those folks have turned their backs on "truth", on "reason". I don't need wackadoodles in my life. It's too exhausting. Why are they not expected to make the first move? To commit to "truth", to commit to "reason". Basic human virtues.
That’s exactly how we got here in the first place though. Be the change you want to see in the world. Waiting for someone else to make the first move won’t change things.
Pandering to pos dark at core magats wont get you anywhere. They dont want to change. They LOVE the hate Fox News feeds them. They are menaces to society
EVERY SINGLE PERSON who voted for trump is a vile pos and a traitor. EVERY SINGLE PERSON who voted for Trump is a menace to society. Just because they smile to your face doesn’t mean they are decent, at their core they are ALL dark and can’t be trusted. We vote for who best represents us PERIOD
That’s not how we got here at all. We got here through the calculated spreading of misinformation and lies that has perpetuated for years. It’s time to fight fire with fire & perpetuate TRUTH but in brash language they’ll understand.
The misinformation is absolutely real, no denying that. Social media echo chambers are the worst thing to happen to society. Conservatives will meet fire with fire so we need to be careful when we use that strategy.
Oh please. That type of bullshit statement is what got us here. Present the truth with attitude and stop worrying about who it pisses off. “Rising above it” is what got us here. We need less editorializing and more heckling!
Have you ever talked to someone that believes in chemtrails, FEMA death camps, & child sex dungeons underneath Pizza parlors. These people run with any thought that makes their brain feel good. I'll put my energy elsewhere. They have to make the journey out of the wilderness on their own.
Those are definitely the scary ones… My family is full of Trump voters. I’m the only one that doesn’t vote Trump. They’re not bad people they were brainwashed as far as I’m concerned. But I do not hang out with them and especially after this last election. It’s been hard
We NEED an organized effort
Do you think the people in his community are the same kind of red state voters that my neighbors are in my red county?
What was the point you wanted to get to here ?
My point was that the red voters in his circle aren't anything like the red voters we know and see on a daily basis. They have 20 mill houses where he sleeps.
Good convo , nice to not agree with someone without it becoming ugly.
Performative centrist libs are absolutely as clueless now as they were in 2015.
Non voters and anyone non RW needs to go way further left to have any chance of surviving this.
Is trumps vision