sick choices, i love dragapault. this is reading as reclusive and intellectual to me. likes to have interesting conversations and explore nicher interests. probably has a reasonably small friend group. also quite reserved but with strong opinions where it matters, might be used to having to (1/2)
this is kind of reading as like... maybe a little quiet, anxious possibly, eager to befriend people. used to being underestimated or looked down on for stupid reasons. lots of inner strength. probably a somewhat poor attention span. shrugs.
refined, elegant vibes but either new to trying to present that way, it's a bit of a work-in-progress, or it's somewhat in conflict with your edgier vibes. not afraid to argue if needed. better at standing your ground than you might initially seem. firm belief in right and wrong. a little too online
noivern's a great pick. maybe somewhat edgy or intimidating vibes initially, but often open to conversation and wishes people didn't misread their demeanor so badly. smart but has a bit of a complex about it. some self-doubt. grafaiai always gives 'aspiring artist but lacking confidence' to me.
of course, it literally makes me so pleased to hear that like... people match up so well with the vibes of their own teams? it's charming. grafaiai is so cute they were such a good addition... i love a ton of the newer 'mons tbh.
i love how people match with their teams, whether they're chosen through vibes alone or behaviours etc, i still think it rly nice!!
and yeah def there's sm nice additions, mudbray will always be #1 to me though
to me having like. no knowledge about you as a person. this reads as someone who generally tries to be kind and caring but has kind of a complex about their 'existence' causing problems for people. also they might be misread as irritating or overtalkative if people don't get their vibes.
and yeah def there's sm nice additions, mudbray will always be #1 to me though