Please no! I highly respect Rep. Pelosi and thankful for all that she’s done. However, it’s time to step aside for the next generation and serve as an invaluable mentor that she is capable of.
Nancy was a great strategist and vote counter. The last 8 years has been like herding cats for her. It’s time to hang it up and let someone younger take over. You had your day, Nancy.
Gerry Connolly has a moustache older than Gerry Connolly.
To be fair, she was a damn good Speaker of the House. She knew when she had the votes to bring a bill to the floor and not get embarrassed by watching it fail. She did get us the ACA. But, times change. She should be coaching AOC, not hurting her
She may have her reasons, but she should explain them. Connolly is 74 years old and it seems like dems are ready for a new generation of leadership. Without any explanation, it feels as though these older folks just don’t want to make way for a more representative generation.
I highly respect Pelosi, Connolly, and AOC. 74 year old Gerry Connolly was diagnosed with esophageal cancer within the past week or so. Survival rate is 5% to 47%. With the average being around 20%. That should be a consideration (& the cancer report should’ve been in the article).
AOC always has to fight against the etablishment even though she is a member of Congress. Most of the candidates that Pelosi support are the reasons that the Dems have lost control of the Presidency and the other branches of gov. The centrists have caused their loss
Nancy has already made hundreds of millions of dollars from insider trading. Nancy is EIGHTY FOUR years old. When will Nancy fuck off and go away? Ever? Are we stuck with her for eternity?
Nancy fans - What's her legacy? Give me a Top 3 please.
Gerry Connolly has a moustache older than Gerry Connolly.
She was more interested in increasing her net worth while taxpayers paid her salary.
Motives are incredibly important and should always be considered.
I’m so sick of the same old shit.
Nancy fans - What's her legacy? Give me a Top 3 please.
AOC's toenail dirt is better than Nancy Pelosi.