We can do this all day. We don’t agree. I’m ok with that. I will never understand why, in the climate we are in to ever give PP light as part of our agenda. Full stop. Everyone knows who he is, and now hopefully what he’s about. He should be stamped out.
I’m aware of all of it. You can look at all my profile. There is a way to work around the MSM and get messages out. We have failed in doing that. “MAGA”is a perfect example of just that. I hate every one of those leaders. Who they are, what they stand for and who voted them in. 1/2
2/2 what being exposed through all this is how SM and MSM manipulate people. So working towards media that doesn’t use “clickbait” is the right thing to do.
Totally clickbait🙄 /sarc
Think about it.
Go after cbc,ctv,global, g&m, NP....plenty of real targets.