Sure am tired of my Blue tax dollars going to prop up failing Red State economies that funnel money to the coffers of Red State politicians who enact policies that harm citizens of Blue states.
Like Rep. Mike Johnson, from the failing taker state of Louisiana.
The divide is not between blue and red states, it's between blue cities and red rural areas. Cities have the most economic activity, because that's where most of the people are. And cities attract more educated, more economically mobile people, who are usually more progressive on average.
Red voters do shoot themselves in the foot, though. They really should not have the grotesquely outsized electoral power that they do, not because they deserve less of a say, but because they consistently make poor choices that create harm for themselves, and everyone else.
That's kind of the point. In the “Lost Cause” narrative post-1865, Whites in the poor states believed & many still do, (even though it's not true) that “Northern elites” robbed them of their wealth and handed it to Jewish bankers and black people. The ancient grudge is the template for Project 2025.
Like Rep. Mike Johnson, from the failing taker state of Louisiana.
Well, we see what type of fight Chuck Schumer and the Schumer 10 put up.