I am troubled.
I can't for the life of me understand why we all can't work together, at least until we get our independence.
Then we can all decide which party we want to follow.
Tell me why this is such an impossible ask.
I can't for the life of me understand why we all can't work together, at least until we get our independence.
Then we can all decide which party we want to follow.
Tell me why this is such an impossible ask.
After all, we all want exactly the same thing.
The sad reality is - as we can see with what's happened with UK Labour over the last 7 or 8 years - for the Right, crushing Lefties comes before anything else.
Our biggest problem is that we do NOT have a non-party aligned umbrella org. AUOB blew it & Salvo/Liberation Scotland is not big enough (at least not yet)🧵
We need an independent, non-party aligned umbrella org to agree/decide this & it becomes upto the parties to follow or not.
And party political support can be diehard.
It’s really easy to resolve though, drop these policies.
Is it the block is with the political parties?
The political landscape in UK (particularly England) is changing so much to some extent the battle lines have to be redrawn.
Now the argument is almost as simple as Freedom or Privatisation.