You keep it alive, you keep it alive and then Mother Nature hits you with the big one. Horrible heat often accompanied by horrible northerlys. Miss my big veggie garden but I have to say I’m a lot less stressed. Fingers crossed it’s not as bad as predicted.
I used to have acreage. Keeping everything alive was a mammoth task. Your post reminded me of the stress I used to have on these hot days. I miss the garden but I don't miss the stress.
Same for us. We lived on two acres, lovely garden & huge veggie garden. There for 20 years but recently, each year I would dread summer, and each year I would have to decide what to try and keep alive. For the first summer in 20 years I am stressed about what’s happening to other people, not to me.
Every year in November we used to plan our fire escape and pack our bug-out bag. We were on tank water and used to run out in February. I used water from the washing machine to water the garden.
It's always a relief when the water tanker comes down the driveway isn't it? We now live in the 'burbs and my husband tells me off for watering. I do it anyway because I'm establishing a new garden. Gosh, we used to have our bug-out bags by the front door too.
I'm so sorry... 45!!!!!!!? :-O
That also means I can expect something similar here in Bendigo two or three days after it hits you.
The landscape is already bone dry as it is and showing signs of extreme stress.
Temperatures like that are killers for sure.
Lots of bush fires around my way, the heat and dry has been relentless for the last 6 months. Everyday has been stressful, yesterday fires within 5km of me, watching for ember attacks, vege garden mostly in pots these days, so I can be more precise with watering, and move them out of the burning sun
Got any spare lengths of rural poor few star pickets chuck shade cloth over it like netting for birds and fruit trees just a thought
That also means I can expect something similar here in Bendigo two or three days after it hits you.
The landscape is already bone dry as it is and showing signs of extreme stress.
Temperatures like that are killers for sure.
May it rain on the third day 🙏
Apples don't mind having another go.
Just snip them off.
They won't make decent apples.
Better to get more leaf growth for next year's crop now
* leaves quickly to check MetEye or whatever it’s called this week
Stay safe over there you lot… your poor wee 🐑 & 🌱
Plants just burnt off at ground level
We were walking around in -13 degrees today in Montreal