Very glad to have you working for us, Rep. Lee. Much respect from one of your newest constituents (newly moved from New Hampshire to 15226/Brookline this year). I'm so sorry about your current working conditions but I know you are doing all that is humanly possible!
Yes, please work on that Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United; and get it out to some states for passage. Mittens was wrong: corporations are not people, my friend.
I’m sure the founders envisioned the South African Apartheid Nepobaby being crowned King of America so he could raid the treasury & do Scrooge McDuck style back strokes through the U.S. Treasury, right? I’m sure the scrotus originalists will completely agree. (It’s what they were bought & paid for.)
And we all work for them instead of the other way around.
How will you be remembered in history if you do nothing to address this?
You must act on behalf of the people you swore to serve.
Whitaker (PA) raised.
I’m so proud of you Summer Lee!
of #DCstatehood #HR51 2023-2024 cosponsors. If you follow your closest colleagues, #BlueSky platform will grow in usefulness.