Sooo… the community at large doesn’t believe in being merciful to the less powerful? OR, is it that your thin-skinned man child of a president got his feewings hurt?
Yes, let’s condemn the loving words of a bishop for the grab ‘em by the pussy, very fine people on both sides guy.
Yes, let’s condemn the loving words of a bishop for the grab ‘em by the pussy, very fine people on both sides guy.
These maga assholes are a deluded group aren't they?
Remember, these people claimed to be "Christians".
They're not.
Your oppression is their profession
Oh wait, I forgot we are Gilead.
Up. He also wants to prohibit SNAP benefits being used on “junk” food.
Fucking white male privilege.
Crickets??? Why??
Another act of revenge from the 🍊🤡/GOP/maga fake Christians and Christo-fascists.
Fuck YOU and all the MAGAs you rode in on. You’re going to HELL, so you want to make everyone live in HELL with you? FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!
--Matthew 6:24
She was great!!!!
But it does reflect the beliefs of all decent people.
After further review, the ruling on the field stands. The Bishop spoke the truth, and the usual suspects rejected The Gospel because it didn't please their ears.
Again, proof they're NOT Christians.
I suspect that it was because it wasn’t his $59.99 Leather Bound version with his name on it. Made in China.
Not for “the citizens of” the nation.
Not for “the taxpayers of” the nation.
Not for “the leaders of” the nation.
This was a service for the nation – the *whole* nation.
own family values.