As we head closer to #PokemonDay I am interested to hear what your favourite Pokémon are from each region.
This time, i'd like to know what your favourite Pokémon is from the Johto region!
This time, i'd like to know what your favourite Pokémon is from the Johto region!
I love Cyndaquil too though, I would probably try to use both in a future playthrough.
Johto probably has the 2nd most favorite families of mine. Totodile, Cyndaquil, Skarmory, scizor, SUICUNE! Suicune is constantly in my top 5. Espeon & Umbreon. Heracross. Johto has some great ones!
I respect it though.
I also remember fighting my way through Mt. Battle in Pokémon Colosseum to get hold of one!
But Umbreon is clearly a favourite by many
"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites."
Heracross, Wooper, Quagsire, Mareep, Aipom, Chinchou, Lanturn, Kingdra and Elekid are all up there too
This fella's staying at stage 2 for his hugs!
Aye. We need one!
Very cool!
I also appreciate Slowking due to the Neo Genesis holo I pulled back in the day, and his appearance in Pokémon the Movie 2000!
Also Slowking can talk! One of the only to ever do it!
I think that's obv tho xd
Been my favorite since middle school & I'm so upset there's not more merch of him 😭
I do prefer Poliwrath, but I thought branched evolutions were really cool when they were introduced in this generation!
The concept of collecting Celebi was so silly to me that I now have an entire box in Home of Celebi from different events.
I wish Morty had used one, I have no idea why he didn't
So much love for Typhlosion ♥️
Chikorita is probably my least favourite of the three starters but I do acknowledge it means a lot to others!
I know you said you weren't a huge fan but maybe she'll surprise you in the new games!! :D
Ampharos is a pretty solid choice, I love it too. I was sad that I couldn't get one in Crystal :(
But if you can't, give me a list!
Never caught a shiny Noctowl of my own sadly. Maybe someday!
I had a Jumpluff on my original team in Crystal. That combo of Sleep Powder, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, and Poison Powder got me through so many matches with my friend.
I'll always appreciate this Pokémon.
So many good other choices.
Umbreon is a close second.