Hummm... Someone who thinks Canadians form a nation, distinct from Americans, and wants to keep them separated by a border. Someone who wants to organize the Canadian society differently, in accordance with the Canadian values, cultural particularities, and economical interests. Sounds familiar?
Dude, you cheated in 1995 (judges working at night to give rushed citizenship, no respect for election finance rules, "love-in", etc.) to keep Quebec in Canada. It's not for nothing...
Independence is still stock ar +/- 35%. Unless something major happens, like a very bad decision/comment from a federal politician, it will never go to the level it was back in the 90s.
Let Quebec leave. However anything that was known as “Lower Canada”, and all First Nations lands are excluded. Quebec must also pay back all federal investments. Return of all military too. No “sovereignty association” either.
If they want to go let them go, it's their choice. Clyde Wells the late premier of Nfld made a valid comment back in the 90s and that is what land they leave with. He felt it was what they had when the joined Canada and is significantly less land then they have today. I hope they stay. Viva Quebec.
Repeating the 1995 debate ad nauseam, instead of searching for a common ground at the exact moment when the elephant next door is about to be mounted by Donald Trump. Let’s talk about productivity and interprovincial commerce instead.
It’s always the squeaky wheel that gets the most press. & provokes the ire of the ROC. Most youth in this province (incl my son and his francophone pals) don’t give a shit about independence. They’re not whiners, they’re global & forward thinking. They don’t play the victim card of the Old Guard.)
Things will really heat up when Supply Management is on the table during new nafta negotiations. Of course Canadian consumers could buy Canadian dairy products even if they cost more to support Canadian producers.
There's a solid base at around 33-36%. It means only 15% needs to switch and/or be convinced otherwise.
It's a hard task but not an impossible one.
9 million citizens
32% > age 55