This beautiful and brutal, but... what? The inverse is abusive. "If he had a spine, he would stop you." Uh, wut? So if you love something DON'T LET HER LEAVE PUSSY BECAUSE SHE WON'T COME BACK. This couple needs therapy.
This is just a wildly ignorant take. I'm cracking up. By the time she's walking out, what else is he supposed to do, poet? It's that he cannot, what, become what she has already decided he is not? Jesus.
It means he won't fight for her. The thing about poetry is you can interpret it however YOU want without harassing someone for interpreting it differently, you weirdo.
But "it's a poem" is some dirty water. Poetry is powerful. Lyrics inspire engagement. Two epic poems were the cornerstone of education for centuries. "It's a poem" and therefore not subject to discussion/interpretation? wtf? What the fuck does THAT mean?
This is just a wildly ignorant take. I'm cracking up. By the time she's walking out, what else is he supposed to do, poet? It's that he cannot, what, become what she has already decided he is not? Jesus.