the more he twists reality, the more absurd his words, the harder his thralls work their brains to accept these 're-truths'.
It's gaslighting 101, breaking minds until they are ready to commit atrocities in his name.
It's a CULT.
We have two ticking clocks with this election: both of the candidates' tickers! I keep wondering when Kamala Harris is going to become more prominent. I'm voting for Biden with the expectation that it very well may be a vote for Harris.
I'm not terribly worried about Biden's health. He's old yes, but for a man his age is in good shape. Not many 80 year olds bike, and probably fewer could get up after a fall.
Also, his 'new gag' seen at the latest rallies--he takes an abrupt turn from the podium, and paws at the background, making confused noises. Which he's explained as mocking Biden, but more looks like Old Man Got Confused by Curtain.
I fear any evidence of failing cognition will be used by Trump's idolatrous cultists the same way it had been used decades ago by Reagan's fanatical followers : as an excuse to protect him from all accountability by falsely referring to any and all condemnations and convictions as discrimination.
At the risk of sounding unkind and perhaps a tad impractical,
I hope we never find evidence that Trump has any sort of cognitive or mental impairment -- specifically because such a diagnosis would be used by his followers to claim an "insanity defense" for every cruelty he has ever perpetrated.
Is it an act, though? With his pending court case, which he's likely to lose, is it a sympathy thing, or hoping to get a reduced sentence? He's shit at most things, but taking care of himself is his forte.
Great to see that CNN is taking on this but I (as a European) would prefer the Amercian People will remember this in November 2024! (fingers crosses he will not re-elected)
It's gaslighting 101, breaking minds until they are ready to commit atrocities in his name.
It's a CULT.
But Biden's gaffs aren't one of them. The man is a stutterer, that means it's very hard to speak to begin with and they tend to screw up.
Not the same
The only step missing is to explain the fact to the idiot MAGA supporters…
That why all news has become "fake" to them.
There is no hope for America in sight
I hope we never find evidence that Trump has any sort of cognitive or mental impairment -- specifically because such a diagnosis would be used by his followers to claim an "insanity defense" for every cruelty he has ever perpetrated.