He should just issue a blanket pardon for anyone who voted for him. That would make sure the DOJ doesn't get distracted from its important mission of incarcerating everyone on Trump's enemies list.
The acceptance of a presidential pardon is an admission of guilt. That is a SCOTUS ruling. The reasons MTG would accept a pardon have to be made known. She would lose her 5th amendment protection on this issue. She didn't act alone. She has to testify in any investigation.
I need to know her dirty secret. You know as perverse & depraved she is, that is has to be something so vile, so despicable, she would spend her life in prison over it. C'mon Journalism! Fix this.
Oh Hell No! Why should he do anything for her as nasty as she’s been to Biden & his family. She must be very guilty of many things & doesn’t think all her ass kissing of Shitler will get her a pardon.
What a freak!!
Putin pushes wedge issues, and some of those are carried by MAGA acolytes like MTG. They might not realize it, but they are doing so regardless.
What I'm hoping is that we turn that anger into constructive action, by working to take back the House. If the Republicans become the minority party, she won't get that much attention or power. And yes, keep pointing out her hypocrisy and craziness, so she can be a warning to us all.
"Demanded" ... HAHAHA!!! Donnie'll get right on that.
One thing I gotta say about this upcoming administration, it'll be entertaining watching them eat each other. If you think this many selfish assholes can work together just because they all have an (R) in front of their name, you're dreaming.
I call her Mrs Crood (or crude whichever the situation calls for) after the cartoon about neanderthals. Blonde Built Butch Body was a great description too.
She does know that accepting a pardon also comes with the admission of guilt for committing a crime, so what crime is she admitting to that she hasn't been charged for, or is this something she is planning to do?
Whenever there's a news story involving this entity, can we just blur out her face or something? It doesn't diminish the actual story, and she's just hideous to look at.
MTG is proof that neanderthal woman still exist...except neanderthal women are better looking. I shouldn't make fun of the way people look on the outside, but in her case it's just because her internal ugliness seeped out.
she's a hateful, stupid bitch . & the people who re-elected her aren't any better because she does nothing but waste the time of others when the house is in session. she brings absolutely nothing to the table. she's another worthless "politician" ... she alone would be reason enough to leave x.
Wait a second, aren’t pardons (traditionally) for people who commit crimes. Is MTG, admitting that she committed a no no, that could come out in some FBI or DHS investigation? I think she’s really been a naughty girl and perhaps her bf Matt Gaetz advised her to ask in advance? Suspicious
The thinking, if you can call it that, is that DOJ has been "unfairly weaponized" against the rapist pedophile fraudsters in conservative parties and they all just need a break from the targeted persecution while they turn it around and "give it to the other side."
You can’t be pardoned unless you have been found guilty and admit to the guilt ahead of the pardon. Or am I wrong about this and I should be given a pardon for some non existent crime that I may have done in my youth?
Blanket party. I may or may not have knowledge of these “parties”. We’ll just call her the Blanket Bomber. The other guy can’t make up all the nicknames.
Maybe she'd have been better received if she'd dropped to her knees...
What are we supposed to blame?
Lack of education.
or Both.
What seems to be above all of their heads are concepts like "overly broad interpretation..."
Meanwhile, if they come out and "prove" that I didn't, that proves several things about them...
(With apologies to the sane women here...I had dumbed down myself temporarily to MAGAts level to write that. Was some hard work, I say.)
What a freak!!
Putin pushes wedge issues, and some of those are carried by MAGA acolytes like MTG. They might not realize it, but they are doing so regardless.
This indicates they will do worse stuff
Maga is upset
Be specific.
About the pardons? Gird your loins. Trump is going to pardon hundreds of Jan 6th insurrectionists.
One thing I gotta say about this upcoming administration, it'll be entertaining watching them eat each other. If you think this many selfish assholes can work together just because they all have an (R) in front of their name, you're dreaming.
Just calling it out makes them feel warm and tingly.
Their only principle is one rule for us and another for everyone else.
" I demand!" Or,
"We demand".
It inevitably comes from someone who is in no position to " demand " anything.
Every time I see her picture I think ...
'Do gazpacho police arrest wonton killers and send them to peach tree dish prison?'
SMH she is pathetic.
"Everybody is saying the same thing!"
"Four-word update"
Because apparently Harassing a school shooting victim isn’t a crime cos reasons…
DO NOT make a blanket with a soap bar in a sock jokes!
DO NOT make a blanket with a soap bar in a sock jokes!
If you haven't done anything wrong/illegal you don't need to be gifted a presidential pardon for unrecorded sins.
Therefore MTG is admitting committing serious crimes she is worried will lead to her prosecution/imprisonment
The sad part, the world will never find out what they were
Trump there like: "Who tf are you?"
She's literally asking to be put completely above the law.
Dark times.
Utterly shameful, but who cares about shame when this disgusting russian agent has none.