I hope the f*** they do. I'm telling you get ready for 1929 Great depression on steroids coming up. The economy is going to crash and it's going to hit the fan. And every f***** that voted for Republicans need their ass beat you know who they are.
Wait, I'm confused. Is the export tax different from a tariff? Because the whole essence of why the orange toad's plan is stupid is because it insists that US companies paying the US treasury a tax for importing goods would somehow influence a foreign country.
Yes they're two different things just like an embargo is different. Export tax yes that would apply to you whatever state it's coming out of where tariffs is the whole country
That's actually a good question. Well if they start the terrible s*** this is what I suggest Canada does put it on us shoulders anyone ordering exported goods from the US add on to it plus it'll save Canadians from their tariffs. By all means help f****** this US economy we deserve it
There's always a f chance & there's still time for that to happen.If you're not prepared for diplomacy then you aren't prepared for war.Cuz sooner or later s***'s got to end & the diplomacy isn't exactly with them it's with the rest of the world. Don't forget as f***** up as we are we're still #1
I've been warning my mother f****** people since his first term and there's been others that warned before that. And Canada doesn't have to worry about anything he f****** broadcast everything so all you have to do is pay attention & prepare.We won't get one damn step closer.Please continue reading
And yes I'm literally telling Canada&the Canadian people to shut your border down& don't do business with us if you let anything get across your border please be generous&kind & allow American refugees to flee this s*** hole cuz not all of us are fighters & not all of us are even capable of fighting
the Québec premier wants our border shut for any and all refugees as soon as Rump climbs on the throne... and even sooner 😞
You better hurry or face what refugees face at your Southern border. Legault is a mini Rump.
Trump doesn't understand even the basics of International Trade Theory. I have a lot of difficulty conciliating this with his economics degree from Wharton, but I suspect daddy's money was behind it.
Do you believe that because you have an open mind or because you have a hole in your head? Delete your account before your mommy takes your phone Lt Zulu.
Last time Trump imposed tariffs on Canadian imports grocery stores in my area stopped carrying US imporst as people were not buying them. A local milk producer had an FDA approved message on their carton and they had to put stickers on the carton as people thought the milk was from the US.
Beer drinkers will be hit hard since cans and bottles are made with Ontario produced aluminum and sand. Ontario's Conservative Premier Doug Ford is also threatening banning California wine. American's already pay more for houses due to American Feds refusing to obey the softwood lumber ruling.
Its not going to take long for countries to figure out that not only can they target specific allied states of the President, such as Kentucky bourbon in the first Trump admin, but items that Musk and other CEO company supporters require.
Actually this is the best option for opposition. Getting these billionaires in the pocket book . Not supporting companies who advertise on these sorry ass media networks .
Trump is a stone cold liar, if he lied about the Wall, and lies about almost everything, then why is he telling the truth about Tariffs? Where is the logic in any of it?
I will not get worked up over this Tariff talk, pure rubbish!!
I predict there will be No trade wars, it’s all one big bluff.
The threat of tariffs will move markets, and minipulate stock prices. My belief is, It’s another Racket to enrich billionaires and millionaires.
And Ontario premier, Doug Ford, has said he will cut electricity off. Ontario electricity is about 13% of the total exported from Canada to the US. It could be a cold, dark winter for many people.
Is export tax the same as a tariff? Because the whole reason tRump's strategy is dumb is because it insists US companies paying the US treasury is going to influence other countries. If it's the same thing, then we're just watching two guys threatening to shoot themselves in the foot as leverage.
Well, there's tourism as well. As a Canadian I can tell you that I'm seriously reconsidering our 2025 plans to do a road trip through the U.S. South, if the President is being overtly hostile to Canada.
Once upon a time, the transportation of tar sands was purely so Canada could export it through the Gulf, but now we have built refineries and Canada is exporting it to us. This makes us dependent on that as a source now. This is just one reason why you shouldn't piss on (or off) your allies.
It's always to try to make people think he's tough. Trump is the most pathetic loser any of us have ever encountered, and as he continues his descent into dementia, it'll keep getting worse.
Yeah, except Alaberta under Dumb Smith would willingly set the whole house on fire. There’s zero way she’d cut off the states, no matter what Dump does. She thinks he’s a hero, the idiot.
Agree - although considering climate impacts, might not be such a bad thing if they sting the U.S. oil industry. Would also be interesting to see those oil execs showing up at the White House with pitchforks
I’m Canadian, excuse me for being rude. Trump is demented & really believes that if he says something idiotic out loud, it will magically come true, like with bleach and covid. Premier Doug Ford pointed out that Ontario provides power to the eastern seaboard, and can easily flip the switch “off”. 🤷🏻♀️
You'll also note that the Canadian response involves "export taxes" which are paid by the buying nation, rather than "retaliatory tariffs" which would be paid by Canadian citizens.
Remember to never poke the giant. We are friendly to a point and we may have to deal with financial hardship, at the end of the day we are resource rich and we are very well connected.
Can I just get something cleared up please. Over in the UK listening to the news I saw lots of American commentators saying that America didn't need anyone else because they had all the oil.
I'm now hearing that most of the oil comes from Canada. Is that right?
Especially when you're such a brilliant strategist that you declare a trade war with all of your largest trading partners at the same time.
This has classically worked out extremely well for countries attempting the gambit.
Yeah, some of us know this, 2 of the largest refiners in my area get all their crude from Canada, so I fully expect prices to jump by both the 25% tariff, and whatever export duties Canada adds. The result may be more fracking in the Dakotas, along with that area seeing renewed development.
I imagine something would happen to stop him doing something that catastrophic, but who knows. He's a complete loose cannon and it won't be long before people area realising why they shouldn't have voted for him! 🤷♂️
Hurt a lot of people here. The rest of the world can do quite well without us. Once new trade deals are made among countries elsewhere, the u.s. will be left to scramble and beg to be let in later.
What did you Americans think would happen? You think we would let Trump bully us? Trade & border security works with collaboration, not with a one-way street of predatory capitalism.
We might have less of many things compared to the US, but when one becomes our enemy, we know precisely how to make our enemies suffer terribly. And we'll do it with a smile because it's deserved. Ask Germany. Check 1812. We may suffer in the process, but if our enemies suffer worse, we're all in.
I mean it's right in the name. It's a trade WAR, not a trade high five. Trump is an idiot, and his supporters are worse because they know he's an idiot and still voted for him.
Lumber is the one to watch. The US is desperate to build new homes. Which means lumber. Which Canada has in abundance. 25% tariff would drive construction cost sky high.
Remember when the American Farmers almost went bankrupt from Tariff Trump’s nasty economics. The kind American taxpayer bailed them out. We helped fill your orders. YAY Canadian 🇨🇦 Farmers.
It's saying "hey allies, come up with some strategies to really hurt me and try them out". Why? I think he's trying to blow up the dollar after he YOLOs into crypto and tells all his friends about it. Nobody in the US who knows little about the outside world will know their worth is gone.
We import the most crude oil from Canada, 60% of all crude imported in 2023. How does someone think a tariff will bring prices down at the pump? Which, ironically, are very low right now, national average of $3, and $2.66 where I live!
At least one Provence is talking about shutting off the valve feeding OIL to the us (And then watch what happens to Gas Prices Mr.Rump. (Very evil grin) Folks you voted for him. I voted for her. You want the mad man Me the sane woman.
I was just speculating on this possibility. Would require unity with Provs which can be tough but when you’re in a trade war, you use what tools you have. Otherwise you’re just a punching bag.
So would US be paying CA here?
Of course I'm just splitting hairs, if it's the later, I'm sure that's included in the cost to US buyers then.
You better hurry or face what refugees face at your Southern border. Legault is a mini Rump.
I will not get worked up over this Tariff talk, pure rubbish!!
The threat of tariffs will move markets, and minipulate stock prices. My belief is, It’s another Racket to enrich billionaires and millionaires.
Of course, there are many other export markets for Canadian products, but I suspect Trump thinks Canada only exports to the US
You wanna see why our government hesitates to put the boot on our neck?
No offense, but Jan 6th was child's play compared.
I'm now hearing that most of the oil comes from Canada. Is that right?
This has classically worked out extremely well for countries attempting the gambit.