Picking on others and lying is all they do… wonder when they are going to start checking our genitals to use the public restrooms? The party that was about family values is just a porn party now.
Seems to me (at 71) that right-wingers have devolved since Trump entered politics. No class, honor, ethics, morals, intelligence, heart or soul. Just raging, lying, fascist lunatics hell bent on destruction and greed.
They've set the bar so low it's gone through the centre of the earth, popped out the other side and is speeding on its' way at high warp out of the galaxy...
Okay, okay. Biden walks and talks slow because he’s elderly. This guy can’t walk, talks shit, gets drunk and passes out. I’ll take a sober Biden any day over a young brain washed drunken fool.
trumpie loves the American uneducated.
31% of the Electorate over 18. Have at worst a GED. At best a High-school diploma as the achievement of their Education.
99.510,000. Million
USBC statistics suggest that the majority vote Republican.
I’m pretty sure history will be much kinder to President Biden & his accomplishments than anyone has thus far. These other guys will be garbage in the dustbin of history and no one will remember their names in the least.
Stooping low is their natural position, this is the meaning behind the ancient term "brown-nosing". Starting them out younger makes bending over easier as they get older.
When it comes to the vast majority of the Maga establishment, I don’t think we can expect courtesy, good manners, or ethical behaviors. This is the world the orange menace has brought us.
I imagine this works the same way.
31% of the Electorate over 18. Have at worst a GED. At best a High-school diploma as the achievement of their Education.
99.510,000. Million
USBC statistics suggest that the majority vote Republican.
Fox for the masses.
Hypersonic weapon for bosses who are asses.
Put a boot in their low-hanging fruit...