I stand with science. Standard time is best for our circadian rhythms. Children would go to school in the freezing dark when drivers are less alert. We certainly don’t need light at ten pm in summer.
Keep it as is. The never-ending whining about changing clocks by 1 hour from people that routinely fly across time zones drives me crazy. And I 1000% don’t care if it’s hard on your pet. Kids should not walk to school in the dark to accommodate your pet.
I don't see the point of changing the clocks twice a year. I think we should pick a time and stick with it, and I don't much care which -- although I would prefer the kind where it *doesn't* get dark earlier.
I've been scrolling and scrolling and finally found someone who has the same opinion as I do. Who on earth has a rise/sleep schedule that never varies by an hour?!
Frankly I don't believe he even understood what he was saying, just like much of what falls out of his face. He thought he was parroting one of his followers, but got it wrong.
Go back to straight longitude based zones. Need to get up earlier or later? Do that. Don't change math and geometry because you can't set an alarm. Benefit: less chance of errors, which can yes actually lose money or lives when technology to implement ridiculous human overrides fails.
People aren't actually understand WHAT trump said. He referred to Daylight savings time, but he was talking about our bi-annual clock ritual in general.
Now, I don't really care what time they pick, but just pick ONE and stick with it.
IIRC, it was a vote to adopt DST year round. That is why it was dependent on federal authorization. If they had pulled an Arizona and decided to just not observe DST no authorization would be needed.
All Daylight-Saving time would be better for the prosperity of American's businesses--customers are more willing to go to dinner, movies, plays etc. when it's still light out.
For kids waiting for the school bus: LIGHTS. (Install solar ones to save on power usage.)
And that first paragraph describes exactly the kind of people who lobbied for it to resume after wartime.
The kind of people who are not worth listening to when it comes to the clocks. They want to set it an hour forward, I'll say we should push it two hours back!
Not changing clocks anymore, fine. Birds greeting the morning outside an open window starting at 3:30-4am, ouch. No more open windows on summer nights.
I’ve been wanting one to be picked and stuck with for years. I think DST might be the better option, but either way, no more springing forward or falling back. There was never any “saving” of daylight, just shifting of dawn.
I live in Saskatchewan, one of the few places in North America that doesn't observe DST. Let me tell ya, it's awesome not having to gain and lose an hour every six months. We still get the same daylight as everyone else
I'm indifferent, but it's unclear to me why there is a financial impact. 🤷🏾♀️ I don't actually care enough to research it, which is pretty consistent with indifference. 🙈🙉🙊
Ending DST in Denver would mean sunrise around 4:30 on June 21 (and not much later for weeks on either side of it) and one less hour for evening activities like little league and volleyball. I’m not sure why he thinks we would benefit from this.
I prefer Daylight Savings time. In the summer on standard time, it would get light at 4am and get dark at 8 pm. I would rather have the light 5a to 9p. I can get more done in the pm
I prefer the standard calendar, I think. Who wants sunrise at 4:07 AM?? He will crow for years about how he aced this one small thing, but if he chooses to follow the Daylight Savings calendar rather than the Standard time schedule, he'll jack this up like he has almost everything else.
It must be nice to live in a society that has so few problems that bickering about whether we should optimize our schedule to match available daylight is actually a thing.
It doesn't matter if you have saving daylight time or not, when you run AC all year long. That is the least offensive thing Vice President Trump can say (Because he didn't Thought about it President Musk did)
People who live, respectively, at the east and west extremes of time zones see things very differently. A friend was in elementary school in the 70s (extreme western Michigan, just a few miles from the Central zone) when year-round DST was tried; he went to school in the dark during the winter.
If we are all that concerned with when kids go to school, change school start times. Because they hate "Springing forward" just as much as the rest of us!
The reason we force children to go to school from 8-3 is also archaic...
Teenagers in particular tend to be barely coherent before about 10:00. Work times could be more flexible as well to accommodate, e.g., after-work golf aficionados. Messing, semi-annually, with the circadian rhythms of a third of a billion people just seems idiotic. The energy “savings” are illusory.
I am good with standard time only. If they go daylight time only, I wish my city would change to central time because I don’t want sunrise at 8:20 in the winter.
I want to eliminate the time change but which would I choose? I love the long summer evenings and hate the early sunsets of winter so I choose year round daylight saving time. Yes, those late sunrises in December and January will be rough but worth it.
We tried this back in 1974, and the general consensus was.... not worth it. Late sunrises really suck, and fucked up sleep really fucking sucks, so.... standard time is the only option for me.
(1) Where I live, mid-June sunrise without DST would be at 4:15 a.m. I hate time change, but keep DST for those of us who live a bit further north than the US.
(2) There is nothing "real" about the way we mark time. It is customary.
They should show a map of what winters would look if we stayed on DST all year too. The fist day of winter in my neck of the woods wouldn't see sunrise until 9:15 a.m.
Exactly this, in Europe we've been wrasslin' with the same issue. I think going forward ½ hour in March and leaving it is the best way for both sides.
Our solar noon in DST is 2 hours behind CEST (Zulu +2) in any case.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. DST WAS a good idea. It's time for us to move past it. Studies have shown that there is significant disruption to society in changing clocks. Modern society is no longer agrarian and lighting isn't the kind of energy drain it used to be.
I believe it was WaPo that made a map where you could put in the county that you live in and it would give you the earliest and latest sunrises and the earliest and latest sunsets of the year, for that area, for the way it is now, vs. permanent DST and permanent Standard time. It was an eye opener.
It's all about the sunrise times. People hated it being dark for so long in the morning. Ex. the northern most zip code's latest sunrise under permanent DST is at 9:12am. The southern one would be at 8:11am. At the bottom of this article, you can check your zip codes. https://www.wxii12.com/article/daylight-saving-sunrise-sunset/63240780
I can't wait to get rid of it. For all the nay-sayers who hate the extra light/dark, why not just change your work/school/etc. schedule twice a year instead? No need to inconvenience everyone.
If it's something you yourself prefer, then that's a much better reason than it's something Trump doesn't like
Our difference of opinion might have something to do with differences in latitude. In Scotland, shifting the clock about makes hardly any difference. It's either light or dark all the time
Of course, latitude makes sense. I didn't realize Scotland's daylight situation was that drastic. I do prefer the sun to go down by 9pm, but I assume you get used to it always daylight?
nah. 1) i prefer the night anyway, and 2) standard time all year round is the best option for kids that take the school bus and lower class workers who need to be at their jobs before all the 9-5ers get up and need their coffee and donuts
And for those of us who wake with the sun (and have a spouse who refuses to sleep before 11:00 PM, and/or cats who wake you at first light) those 4:00 AM sunrises would be murder.
Cats are notorious in their utter lack of concern for civilized time keeping. And personal wake up times. They just drop off for a nap where ever and when ever, fuckers!
I have the feeling they have an internal clock that has a special memory function so they can annoying their chosen human at the best possible moment. Best for them OFC.
If you want to get up an hour earlier, then get up an hour earlier! Why do you gotta force everyone else to do it too??!?
(BTW, I’m retired and my phone/alarm is on UTC, so ya’ll do what you want - but ya’ll look bizarre to me, suddenly getting up one hour earlier/later twice yearly)
I don't like it not getting actually dark until after 10pm here - there's a whole month for me where there's really only 1 hour of darkness while I'm awake and I don't really care for it.
The entire idea of timezones is flawed. It's a complicated, Rube Goldberg scheme that does nothing useful but does make it difficult to schedule meetings.
Standard time all the time. Works fine in Arizona. If you have to change school start times for part of the year, do that, the kids will figure it out.
the 9-5ers don't think nor care about that. nor do they think about all the people already at work that give them the gas and coffee they need for that commute.
the people that think the rush hour is 8am have never tried taking the bus at 6.
as someone that had to wait on a pitch black street corner at 6am for the school bus as a kid, and then later in life cram into the utterly packed to the gills county bus around the same time to go to work, i've learned to appreciate the earlier sunrises of the winter months.
people don't think about, as they make their morning commutes to their 9-5 office jobs, and get their gas, or pick up their coffee and donuts, what time the people serving them leave for work.
I have to be at work at 06:30 so I get it. Still want the daylight maximized when the majority of the population is active and free. Only entities that benefit from standard time are power companies.
You look forward to the clock being fucked with? What kind of alien creature are you? It fucks with my sleep, that's why I want to see this practice put to sleep, permanently, and the idea of an 8 AM sunrise scares me. Standard time forever!
Keep DST year round. Time to actually enjoy sun after school/work. Everything should start 1 hr later and close at the regular time to prevent morning accidents. Research has proven that people do better with a later start time. Less time and more quality is what is needed in school and work.
I'm in Arizona, the one state in the country that doesn't follow daylight savings time (but not the only *place*, I'm pretty sure I remember the Navajo Nation skips it too).
Have yet to run into a situation where I thought "I really wish we had DST"
I think I have never agreed with that sorry excuse for a man before in my life. But getting rid of the time changes (I don't care which one we stick with) would make me at least consider spitting in his general direction if he were on fire.
I don't think anyone likes the switch but the last thing I want is to lose an hour of daylight in the summer evenings. It is wasted on mornings.
Permanent DST is the correct call imho.
We switch in March and never go back.
Being able to wake up after the sun comes up is SOOOOOO much better for my health (and many others). DST creates an unnatural sleep cycle. I'm cool with not having sunlight at 9:30 at night.
YES! The reason people love DST is because an hour of sunlight after you get off work is infinitely more valuable than an hour of sunlight before you wake up in the morning
I suppose the more republican solution would be individual daylight saving accounts. Everyone in the country just goes to work an hour early and goes home an hour early whenever the sun rises earlier than 5 am wherever they live
Ok, here’s a free marketing strategy for the pro-standard time caucus. “Summer 5-9 before your 9-5 challenge”. Have an app with An alarm that goes off at dawn whenever dawn is earlier than 5:15 standard time. Get that to go viral. People will stop wanting DST when they 1/
But you can get that by just having work start and end an hour earlier in the summer.
Because that's really all that's happening during DST--everyone is just collectively deciding to do everything an hour earlier. We don't have to try to fool ourselves by changing clocks in order to do that.
DST is not a perfect solution. A wide variety of latitudes and longitudes get shoehorned together. Shifting time is dumb if it makes people wake up in the dark. But pro-standard time people need to realize that there is a reason why many people love DST and it’s because 1/
Sorry… no justification is suitable due to it is unproductive and dangerous. Hence why other countries stopped long ago. We are always several steps behind. 🤦🏻♀️
you never had to stand on a street corner waiting for your school bus in pitch blackness because DST took away your sunrise. as a kid i loathed the spring time change, cause it meant i'd had have to be up before dawn each morning.
Genx here.
I sure as hell did and far worse, Walked half a mile to the stop and in the dark. It is a few years of that at most. Losing an hour of evening light for entitled parents and their kids is silly.
"a few years" unless you end up getting a retail, service or construction type of job and have to take the bus because its cheaper then a car that sees you getting up around the same time.
people that claim "rush hour" is 7-8 have never tried taking the sardine can that is the county bus 5:30-6:30
I’ve heard assessments based on how life works and permanent daylight savings is the best option, but permanent standard time is still a vast improvement, so I’ll take it.
I think if this were one of the top 1000 things I was worried about Trump doing in the next 4 years I'd be thrilled. Maybe he can think about which way should people hang toilet paper next.
The same issue is being discussed here in the Netherlands, every time when a new cabinet is formed. I think it's dumb they don't just pick the time right in the middle and call it good. This hour forward/back thing is messing me up every damn time.
I can't decide which metaphor fits, "even a broken clock is right once a day" or "even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while." Either way, this may be the one time I agree with the convicted felon.
We should all just use GMT. We can keep time zones to help people translate "business hours" from one zone to another, but all clocks should just show GMT.
No muss, no fuss, no confusion.
All of China has just one time zone. If China can have just one zone, the rest of the world can do it too.
Businesses already use GMT or some other agreed upon standard to do online real-time correspondences. Besides, I doubt it would meaningfully solve any ACTUAL problems people have, unlike ending this stupid ritual of clocking fiddling.+
It would have to be standard time. The northern state won't want to send their children to school in the dark. I live on the northern border, and today's sunrise was at 8:03. Sunset is at 4:15.
It would be sad if Trump is the one able to get rid of this ridiculous relic. But it does illustrate how ineffective both the Democratic and Republican establishment have become to pick even the lowest hanging fruit.
If we’re going to do away with the semiannual practice of resetting our clocks, I much rather prefer doing away with Daylight Saving Time than making it permanent. If needed, we can adjust certain business or school hours to accommodate the difference in number of daylight hours.
I think we should move it forward one hour each spring and not move it back in the fall. Do that for 24 years and then we vote on which one worked the best.
I'd personally rather we just stay on DST and stop going back to "standard time." But ultimately, I'd be happy if they just stop the stupid bi-annual clock ritual.
I agree with him on this one, too. The only other thing that he did that I am grateful for is cutting through the red tape to get the covid vaccine out as fast as they did.
I'm usually awake during the night, so that doesn't help me much.
The way I see it, millions of people have to walk through their apartments twice a year and change all the clocks. And then try to explainn to their pets why dinner is an hour late.
Always be aware that reversed stupidity is not intelligence. If someone you despise offers an opinion, disagreeing with it out of habit is just another way of them controlling you.
And yeah if we want to shift business hours we can just have seasonal hours; changing clocks wreaks too much havoc.
As in, if active hours are optimized to 9am-5pm for one segment of the year, and 8am-4pm for another, then instead of changing the entire clock, just make the business hours shift seasonally. It's not like we have a problem with businesses being open at different times different days of the week.
I phrased this in terms of business but it can apply to shifting schools, government services, personal activity cycles, etc. to more closely follow sunlight. Without mucking about with clock changes that, in a world increasingly reliant on dependable timestamps, are highly annoying.
If we could only have one, I’d choose standard time because that’s what we evolved with. After however many millions of years, now is not the time to suddenly switch to only DST. Do we need DST? I like late sunsets but I otherwise personally don’t need them
Do I have this right: it would get dark earlier in summer than what we're used to? Then kids would have one hour less to play outside in the daylight in the summertime? Little league baseball players would lose that hour of daylight, as would adult who work to do outside chores?
We're only "used to it" because it's what we've been doing for decades. It would get darker "sooner" but it would also get lighter "sooner" and research has shown that early daylight is more crucial to our health than late sunsets are.
I think that he’s going to demand any cost savings be sent to his bank account & to his offspring in perpetuity. He’s NEVER done anything that wouldn’t benefit him in some manner. JS
The basic problem is getting people out of bed an hour earlier isn't good for them. These folks have a lot of links to explore: https://savestandardtime.com/
wow the interactive table is really interesting. I just hate the early sunset but I am not going anywhere in the morning so if the table is correct I can see how the sunrise time impacts more people. Thanks for this.
It is against the natural circadian rhythm to be on DST. Ending it permanently would put our bodies back in sync. It was created back when artificial light was expensive and that's no longer necessary. There are hundreds of scientific write-ups on the harm it causes our bodies.
Well, the way I work, I'm less affected by clocks than the actual daylight and weather, myself, but permanent DST would mean more time to fix stuff for people who are on business hours before it gets dark. Or just to hang around come to think of it. )
The last time they tried this in the 70's, people freaked the fuck out. We were walking to school in the dark. I don't see anything being different now.
Standard Time = ✅👍
A good add on would be to combine time zones and reduce continental US time zones to two. Combine East and Central then combine Mountain and Pacific. https://www.standardtime.com
It's taking into account local time. Depending on which end of each respective zone we're talking about it could be an offset of as much as an hour or a touch more.
I think there are far more important things to be concerned about and this issue isn’t worth the effort it would take. Rather spend the the time talking about how to improve health care in this country or balance the fed budget.
I am ok with the idea, but regardless of whether you stick with ST or DST, there will be places that have somewhat extreme sunrise/sunset times (e.g. Detroit sunrise at 9AM in early January on DST)...I think the solution would require shifting time zone boundaries "half way" to smooth these out.
Being completely honest, while a late sunset sounds nice I like that less than the hatred I have for a late sunrise that would result if we go to year-round DST.
Combine that with the fact that we tried it back in 1974 and couldn't even make it 11 month in before reverting... standard time forever!
It makes a significant difference the further north you live, where most of the support is with remaining on Daylight Saving Time. That includes me now that I'm in Canada, but made little difference when I lived in NV.
As an RN it would be better to keep to one schedule because jumping forward leads to lack of sleep and poor health. That being said I do think we should let the kids board the buses in the daylight so keep it as it is & NOT jump forward this spring.
I’ve been advocating a later start to school for teenagers in high school but have always been rebuffed because of sports events & training being held later in the day.
As a runner I enjoy having time to run after work after it cools off. Also, when I drive Uber I like the extra daylight earning time. I know it’s not for everyone, but I like it in the summer.
My preference is to continue changing the clocks. Who on earth has a rise/sleep schedule that never varies by an hour?! It seems to me that a lot of people think that sunrise/set is static rather than actually changing every day.
Today is winter solstice with the shortest amount of daylight time. Daylight starts getting a bit longer starting starting tomorrow, and every day until June 21st.
Don't get me wrong, I generally don't support him, and I for sure did not vote for me, but this is one thing I can get behind. Even a broken clock tells the right TIME twice!
I remember hearing that this was Rubio’s thing that he wanted to do and then I heard that he finally did it and then that was the last I heard of it…??
The bill he pushed would make DST permanent, and it was pushed through a senate that wasn't full through a process that didn't really permit for any debate.
In other news your dog looks like a medieval painting, and I mean that in the best way possible.
Now, I don't really care what time they pick, but just pick ONE and stick with it.
Last Week Tonight covered this story 9yrs ago
For kids waiting for the school bus: LIGHTS. (Install solar ones to save on power usage.)
The kind of people who are not worth listening to when it comes to the clocks. They want to set it an hour forward, I'll say we should push it two hours back!
It's dark when I go to work and it's dark when I go home... I probably won't see sunlight until March lmfao
And then there's the rise in more unpleasant stuff caused by the clock fiddling...
Late sunsets sounds like it would be enjoyable, but is this worth fucking up sleep?
No one will suffer if time doesn't change. We have already completed the proof of concept. 😉
The reason we force children to go to school from 8-3 is also archaic...
Evening people: Permanent Daylight Saving time!
If we can just get Dolly Parton to re-record either "Workin' 8 to 4" or "Workin' 10 to 6", I'm sure will be fine.
Everyone agrees the ritual needs to die, but as for what to make permanent, history suggests we should do standard time.
(2) There is nothing "real" about the way we mark time. It is customary.
Our solar noon in DST is 2 hours behind CEST (Zulu +2) in any case.
Daylight savings is a daft idea in this day and age. It's better to have the sun at its highest point at noon*
*within fifteen degrees longitude
Regarding DST, I prefer it because I like daylight until at least 6:30pm.
Our difference of opinion might have something to do with differences in latitude. In Scotland, shifting the clock about makes hardly any difference. It's either light or dark all the time
I guess it's the engineer in me that would prefer my units of time to be more stable. This whole "let's pretend 12 o'clock is 1 o'clock" feels archaic
A similar thing happened years ago in my country over Brexit. Cameron wanted to stay in the EU, so a bunch of bloody-minded folks voted us out
Don't cut off yer nose to spite yer face
Something that DST doesn't help with, and changing the clocks makes actively worse.
(BTW, I’m retired and my phone/alarm is on UTC, so ya’ll do what you want - but ya’ll look bizarre to me, suddenly getting up one hour earlier/later twice yearly)
The older I get, the longer it takes my body's internal clock to adjust to the time change.
And my cats get cranky when their food is an hour late.
Against all evidence that Summer Time doesn't do anything but causing negative effects on health and economy.
I like my long afternoons in the Summer. I could live with earlier mornings if that's what it takes to get rid of the time change for good.
Ain’t the same in Maine and Florida.
the people that think the rush hour is 8am have never tried taking the bus at 6.
I want it to be warm/light when I'm awake and cold/dark when I'm asleep
MAGA are not to smart!
Have yet to run into a situation where I thought "I really wish we had DST"
Permanent DST is the correct call imho.
We switch in March and never go back.
Because that's really all that's happening during DST--everyone is just collectively deciding to do everything an hour earlier. We don't have to try to fool ourselves by changing clocks in order to do that.
I sure as hell did and far worse, Walked half a mile to the stop and in the dark. It is a few years of that at most. Losing an hour of evening light for entitled parents and their kids is silly.
people that claim "rush hour" is 7-8 have never tried taking the sardine can that is the county bus 5:30-6:30
Day Time Savings is even stupider than Trump.
No muss, no fuss, no confusion.
All of China has just one time zone. If China can have just one zone, the rest of the world can do it too.
Assuming we did this using east coast time, 7 AM would be the crack of dawn in New York, but still complete darkness for another 5 hours in Hawaii.
We tried this back in 1974, and it was killed about 10 months into the year-long trial run.
The way I see it, millions of people have to walk through their apartments twice a year and change all the clocks. And then try to explainn to their pets why dinner is an hour late.
And yeah if we want to shift business hours we can just have seasonal hours; changing clocks wreaks too much havoc.
A good add on would be to combine time zones and reduce continental US time zones to two. Combine East and Central then combine Mountain and Pacific.
Combine that with the fact that we tried it back in 1974 and couldn't even make it 11 month in before reverting... standard time forever!
I don't like that feeling, but in this case I do agree with him. I am not a fan of Daylight Saving time.
He would never think the thought, but thanks anyway ❤️
everyone rolled a 1
The calendar will just have to adapt to this small change.
(And yes, we tried permanent DST in 1974 and it failed.)