She looks completely normal to me. Anyone who makes an issue with how she looks has never been close to a real live woman. Apart from their mum and sister
You can tell there's something deeply broken with our society when there are people complaining about Sydney Sweeny's body or looks in general. She's absolutely stunning, and those muscles sent my gay little heart aflutter!
While I in no way condone the shaming of anyone for the way they look, I went from being a fan to not caring after I found out how much of her life story she has fabricated or outright lied about.
She's a pretty, talented woman but who she is turned me right off.
This isn't the mic drop you think it is. It is saying, 'don't say mean things about my body because look how much I am exercising'. It should be 'don't say anything about bodies', full stop.
I don't follow along with the herd of incel losers I guess, so I missed this bit when it happened. WTF would any person have to say about Sydney's body other than she is drop dead beautiful in more ways than a smart person can count. Some people are just shit humans I guess.
How insane that people body shame a woman for having muscles.
She's a pretty, talented woman but who she is turned me right off.
You can't really shoot the messengers here. It would be nice to at least give them sudden bowel movements. 🤣