Caltech campus was closed for classes and work, students stayed in place. Reopens today, you can see the updates here:
We lost our home in SB Paint Fire. Afterward, we heard many people angry that firefighters were focusing on businesses instead of homes. Reason? Businesses had chemicals that if exploded would send deadly gasses down wind. Fighting fires is complex in urban settings. Kudos to brave fire fighters!
Businesses and industries are high priority because of that and they can make a fire exponentially worse. Imagine a business that uses propane for grills exploding, now the Firefighters have an even worse fire.
Near us it was a dry cleaning store, a pool supply store, and a UHaul. All had toxic and or flammable materials, including chlorine gas canisters that would have killed or severely sickened everyone down wind. Losing your home/possessions is hard, but losing lives is devastating.
Sorry for your loss. We also escaped a wildfire. If just homes are saved, there will be insufficient infrastructure to support the population when they return.
It was difficult. But actually reaffirmed my faith in basic humanity. So many friends/strangers came out to support the us/community. Tragedy always identifies those with helping hands from those more interested in helping themselves. Anyone interested can message me for suggestions on what next.
Most of us are horrified,
By the fires in LA,
And would do anything we can,
To help in any way,
Some on the other hand,
Never think of things like this,
Take for instance the orange menace,
He'll play politics and bitch.
The MAGA deplorables celebrating this disaster are only a few months from their own climate disasters of back to back hurricanes they accused VP Harris of conjuring up to depress their votes 🙄🙄
Too bad there is LESS water storage now than just a few years ago.....but the Delta smelt are very hydrated. The dems have shown how reckless they are. Fuck you and the fucking dems that run this state.
There's a lot of people losing everything there, and one thing that'll be hammered home is insurance, and how hard they'll fight to not pay out after this, using all kinds of technicalities and claims that they don't cover certain things, with another set of CEOs running off into hiding...
Sad thing is, they often go 'bankrupt' and the next day are back in business under a different name, absolved of all responsibility, but with the cash in their pockets regardless...
Yep bunch of pricks enabled to rob the poor. It would be interesting if the CEO of insurance companies lost their homes in the fire, wonder how hard it would be in that case to get insurance paid out?
I've always said that insurance is the world's biggest legalised scam, they will pull any trick they can to not pay out when people have paid so much in, and made worse when it's mandated into law that insurance is legally required for various things...
Just wait until the big orange man gets into office and decides in one of his late-night tantrums to loosen or cut additional regulations, making way for said companies to do worse, like denying people don’t even have policies.
As a Floridian, yes. It can often be more exhausting than the inciting incident to spend the months or years trying to get the payout you’ve been paying into.
This is truth. We're seeing it out here in the T/NC flood zone; insurance companies offering up excuses as to why they won't pay out, or only offering a portion of the coverage that's been paid for - a friend of mine is fighting this right now.
I’m scared it’s just going to get worse with these mass-casualty events being caused by climate change. I’m sorry y’all are having to face that on top of everything else.
We've already had some flooding again, from just a single large rainstorm due to the landscape changes just before New Year's. We need to pay attention to where it's flooding now, and making adjustments to our lives here as well.
The conspiratorial fools,
Proud of their ignorance,
Who'll destroy America,
If given the chance,
As Americans grow dumber,
And believe their foolish lies,
The rest of us work hard,
To keep freedom alive.
Elon Musk and his pals can't decide if LA is a hellhole of liberalism and queer folks where they flee from paying taxes, or if it's a bastion of civilization being attacked by Illuminati spies. They're all terribly on drugs, put him away in one of those Betty Ford places for the rich and end this.
This proves that water is in the system as the guy just used the yard hose to put out a fire live on tv. It’s not a problem of the fire hydrants and system except that its being overloaded by the need of water. The design was built for x amount and they need 2x amount. musk and trump are asses.
Press conference shared that much of water issues is LOW PRESSURE caused by turning off electricity, including to Water Pumps, during Santa Ana Winds. Area Water Systems are dragging in Generators to power their water pumps‼️
This started 40 yrs ago when I was a firefighter in Oakland Fire dept. The Santa Ana winds were stronger than usual and the overgrown brush and Eucalyptus trees set hills on fire. It was just devastating. We also lost water supply
So sad for the planet. This is just one of hundreds of climate catastrophes over the past 12 months. It’s making the news more because rich and famous people are affected.
Almost 10 million people live in Los Angeles county. It's because of the sheer population density and the multiple widespread fires. The number of fires and people affected is A LOT MORE than the entire population of the South affected by the floods. And the floods did get a lot of attention.
I’m not saying this isn’t serious. I have friends who live in Marina Del Rey and I’m really worried for them. All I’m saying is, over 3700 people died last year in climate related deaths. I’d be willing to bet most people wouldn’t be able to think of a fraction of the incidents that caused those.
Hello there’s something about you that feels so familiar, like a warm embrace on a chilly evening. Do you share a secret connection, a whispered promise from a past life?
It's weird that people living in an area where wildfires are frequently driven by Santa Ana winds don't install water misters or even plain drippers on their roof. And you'll need a storage tank and backup pump to make it work without power. Would have saved a lot of homes.
I will be forever grateful to the reporter from a small paper who stopped and gave me a ride to the convention center in New Orleans the day after Hurricane Katrina. It was a minor breach of his objectivity, but it meant the world to me at the time.
Hello there’s something about you that feels so familiar, like a warm embrace on a chilly evening. Do you share a secret connection, a whispered promise from a past life?
That's right, Canada should do nothing. Might as well dump my used oil down the storm sewer, take the cats off my cars, burn tires in the backyard for warmth as well as forget about recycling and composting. Canada is too small to matter right? We'll start caring when other start first, right?
Canada needs to do something, but a money making scheme like the carbon tax isn't it. If you want to know what Canada should be doing that would actually be a value for the environment feel free to ask. Otherwise move along with your day and have a good one.
The whole idea is that you take a second look at what your doing. BTW, with the rebate most pay almost nothing. MONEY making, yea the coffers are spilling over.
Fire is a fiendish enemy. I went through firefighting training in the Navy. A hanger with a rebar airplane shape and 100 gallons of jet fuel. They lit the fire and closed the hanger and within 2 minutes we couldn’t see for the smoke.
This is a disaster. Death toll is expected to rise.
'Thousands of firefighters are battling at least five sprawling wildfires spread around the Los Angeles area. The largest, the Palisades Fire, has scorched over 17,000 acres, destroyed thousands of structures and remains zero percent contained.'
It’s pretty symbolic, too. Reagan was very buddy-buddy with the oil barons responsible for ignoring their own research and responsibility for climate catastrophes.
Actually, I see his actions as a metaphor for what courageous journalists and corporations and individuals could be doing in the face of the onslaught of crap coming down the political pike:
See the fire - grab the hose - put the fire out - don't stop until it's out.
Rinse and repeat...
He needs proper equipment. He’s in LA. His employer should have that available for anyone working in that job.
And two, his news manager should not have authorized a stand up that close to the fire.
Health and safety!!
@ABC @CBSNews @NBCNews @CNN @MSNBC PBS @NewsHour
I appreciate people - no matter how big a name they are - acting like decent human beings.
By the fires in LA,
And would do anything we can,
To help in any way,
Some on the other hand,
Never think of things like this,
Take for instance the orange menace,
He'll play politics and bitch.
None of this was preventable - pay out the claim.
We've already had some flooding again, from just a single large rainstorm due to the landscape changes just before New Year's. We need to pay attention to where it's flooding now, and making adjustments to our lives here as well.
It's the year for the unprecedented weather.
Proud of their ignorance,
Who'll destroy America,
If given the chance,
As Americans grow dumber,
And believe their foolish lies,
The rest of us work hard,
To keep freedom alive.
They’ll make a film about it. 🎥 🍿 😉
Folks, it is drummed into journalists' heads that "you are not to be a part of the story." But sometimes . . .
Taught me to respect fire.
'Thousands of firefighters are battling at least five sprawling wildfires spread around the Los Angeles area. The largest, the Palisades Fire, has scorched over 17,000 acres, destroyed thousands of structures and remains zero percent contained.'
See the fire - grab the hose - put the fire out - don't stop until it's out.
Rinse and repeat...
He needs proper equipment. He’s in LA. His employer should have that available for anyone working in that job.
And two, his news manager should not have authorized a stand up that close to the fire.
Health and safety!!