It’s all a dog and pony show for the converted. My perception is that religious people will enslave themselves at the promise of some glorious afterlife they can’t prove exists. It comes across to me as a mix of mental illness, loneliness, and disappointment in their lives.
The only reason that Christians or women vote for this moronic, misogynistic convict is that they associate him with his carefully crated (but wrong) “champion of the USA” image and his association with his TV persona and engage with his entertainment value.
The fake displays of 'religions' are absolutely sickening. Its more like an ego stroking cult, all designed to make the followers feel they are more important and relevant than others.
That's the problem with religion: when you've already made space in your head to accept unsupported assertions as truth, it's easy to add on all kinds of other nonsense to that "truth".
George, as a Christian, I could not agree more. Christians are called to love people, too. This is a cult and they have made an idol of Trump. Maybe they need to read their Bible for some hints on how those golden statue stories usually end.
And if I see one more article on the front of WAPO. NYT or LA Times with a photo of a sad person staring out a window and the headline “So and So now regrets he/she voted for Trump” I will scream. They all got exactly what they voted for. Not sorry about their lost jobs/medicare/etc either
These people are not Christians, no matter how many Sundays they go to church, no matter how hard they fight to have prayer in school, no matter how many lives their ruin in pursuit of their own greed.
This from the same people who cheered when pardons were issued to the men and woman who attacked and tried to kill them on Jan 6th.
All of them, enabled by their hateful ignorant supporters.
President Donald Trump in a post on TruthSocial on Thursday said 25% tariffs on imports from Canada and Mexico will go into effect on March 4. The president wrote that imports from China will also face “an additional 10% Tariff on that date.”
Ezekiel 16:49-50 and I Timothy 6:4-5 is pretty much straight forward. What have they been reading? Did they edit the bible again like they did with the Slave Bible?
I mean! This is my question! A good old-fashioned earth swallowing, you know what I’m sayin? Boils? Something… Grace and mercy has its place, Lord, but do you see this?!?
These people have forsaken their oath to the Constitution. They are traitors to the ideas that this country was founded upon. And you know what we are supposed to do with traitors...
~No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Superstition has always been used by the rich and powerful to control the masses. They don't really believe in religion, they just find it useful. Christianity managed to convince millions of persons that they will have revenge in the afterlife, so that they don't seek it in the only life they have.
The sad thing is that older Republicans still want to vote for these cowards.They will never see the damage that they are doing by just sitting there watching Fox News and not thinking for themselves.Too many of my relatives still think Republicans are still the good guys who are fighting for them.
I can't wait until they try to rewrite the Bible. An actual rewritten copy where it tells them that God blesses America more than any other country, God cares about your football team, and God wants to see the end of wokeness
Blatant act of hypocrisy! Worst part is that these so-called "Christians" have been using the pulpit to advance their twisted political views on the rest of America! If they want to campaign from their churches revoke their tax exempt status they exploit. Use the money taxpayers save for vaccines!🙏
They hold no actual value for other humans in their ideologies, it's merely performative. Nearly dogwhistles at this point. To do good and to do well we must look at the suffering in our lives and strive to reduce it. Only through that, and working together to spread our abilities to do so, can...
If you have the resources and ability to help those suffering and you don’t, especially in a public policy sense, you don’t get to go to the Heaven they believe in. Religion should be about service and helping vulnerable populations. Republican politicians are the worst Christians I’ve ever seen!
I am not sure who they believe in, but it sure as hell is not Jesus. I am aware of mental plasticity, of cognitive dissonance, or confirmation bias, but the level of hypocrisy and ego is unmeasurable.
Also, they voted to have Andrew Tate and his brother freed from Romania and invited here to our land where they can kidnap, rape, and traffic women here.
There's no justification for this other than Tate has been singing Trump's praises.
Yesterday I put out Mt 7, 15:16. Beware of false prophets. *These* are the false prophets. If Christ was known for anything, it was caring for the poor. Not making life as miserable as possible for them. #FalseProphets
I'm an atheist, that has not stopped me from being a good person, and I've read the Bible cover to cover. I use the eye of the needle verse with Christians all the time, because they didn't seem to get that it's not about boarding money or who has the most stuff, but how well you treated others.
Money is the root of all evil. Greed is the greatest mental illness and it kills and creates SO much suffering! ‘If a monkey hoarded bananas while other monkeys starved we’d study that monkey to see what is wrong with it. If a human does it we put them on Forbes magazine!’
Capitalism is a system that rewards the hoarding of resources and power and punishes those who don’t. The system exists to prop up evil men who seek to control others.
No…. Money begets power over others as it is a resource to hoard. Power is what the money affords and why people chase power and wealth. The acquisition of resources in order to control distribution and thus what self serving (to yourself) behaviors you can demand out of others is the is the evil.
I have a theory that because religious people tend to get their morality from hierarchy and authority rather than say empathy, they are PRIME targets for autocracy. Too many evangelicals now look at Felon 47 and Mike and thing morality comes from them and their authority which is sick!
I no longer believe in the absoluteness of the Bible, but being raised Independent Fundamental Baptist, I well versed in this belief. Yet, the similarities are eerie, even down surviving the mortal head wound. Yet they do not see it.
The people who said "we need to stop funding overseas nations so we can take care of our own" and the people wanting to take away Medicaid are the same people.
It's wild how some can twist faith into a weapon against those in need. It’s as if ‘blessed are the meek’ got lost in translation. We should be lifting each other up, not pushing down.
Can't wait to see the special hell his make believe God has waiting for him and all his bigoted friends and I hope Jesus the man born in Bethlehem Palestine is the one serving it up.
GOP hypocrisy: a feature — not a bug — of their party.
This atheist truly, 100% thinks Moses there is the Anti-Christ.
He's just as evil (if not more so) than Felon34, lies just as much, and is (terrifyingly enough) much more intelligent.
Yeah, he's one terrifying little gremlin.
It is beyond hypocrisy, it is mean. Christian Nationalists like Speaker Johnson would be likely to call the cop on Jesus Christ himself if he ever came knocking on their door.
I'm an atheist, so I don't know about consequences after death, I leave those thoughts to the religious. I really hope they see some consequences here on earth and I haven't given up on that happening.
As I’ve gotten older I’ve only gotten more comfortable with being against religion. Individuals like Mike Johnson solidifies this position. There is nothing more hateful or cruel than a religious zealot in a position of power.
Well, to be fair, they are following the Gospel of Donald Christ.
Donald 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that he sent his second begotten son, and whosoever believing in him should not suffer, but have eternal wealth."
The Gospels may not justify pure socialism, but they certainly support dignity and support of the poor. Taking FROM the poor is immoral, indefensible, and absolutely unChristian.
On a practical side, a society with gross inequality is less productive economically and more prone to disease and social problems. And, those costs also affect the wealth and quality of life of the rich. Millionaires don't shop Walmart and a depleted and impoverished middle-class shops less.
In the end, the tax breaks today will cost them more tomorrow economically. And, when the costs of the deficit become clear, the mass of voters are going to "eat" the fattened rich.
I think a lot of these Bob Weir lyrics lately…
So the kids they dance and shake their bones
And the politicians throwing stones
Singing ashes, ashes, all fall down
The future's here, we are it, we are on our own
On our own, on our own, we are on our own
Reminds me of the scene in "Hanna and Her Sisters" where Max Von Sydow's character says "If Jesus saw what people were doing in his name right now, he wouldn't be able to stop throwing up."
Douche bag, sorry, not sorry. Born and raised Catholic here. I even raised my daughter to be Catholic. I couldn’t be more embarrassed to call myself a Christian. 😞
They are praising that they were actually able to pass legislation that funnels billions of taxpayer dollars into their private pockets. “Sweet baby Jesus, thank you for giving us the ability to lie convincingly, con stupid people, rob public coffers, deny the poor, and buy new yachts. Amen.”
I'm 100% an atheist - but by God I do wish that Jesus would be come again to actually sort out these people's complete and utter lack of understanding of his socialist message!
It is PATHETIC! The amount of theft, greed, and bloodshed that occurs in the name of religion is simply beyond baffling. Beginning yesterday’s cabinet meeting with a prayer was just laughable… as they turned the floor over to Musk to justify his mass layoffs.
As much as I hate the current state of or govt this has been brewing on the right for decades and had to happen. The Right has laid bare their souls and Americans can now see how morraly bankrupt they are and as a result how unfit and dangerous
They are experts at taking advantage of religious constituents. They know when to throw an “amen” or a “praise Jesus” out there to manipulate people. Religion is poison.
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others ... when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.
When I grew up there wasn't this insane belief that the country was great. It was more like it always needed to be better. If I was going to write a slogan it would be Make America Better Everyday or MABE. We should always be striving, not trying to go backwards to a time that never existed at all.
America is stuffed to the rafters with sexist, racist pigs. It always has been and always will be until we redo Sherman's march to the sea, but really do it, this time.
"Passed on Bernie"aka DNC suppressing Bernie to push establishment prostitute Hillary through. Like senile old Genocide Joe pushing Harris on us through his vast incompetence. The DNC is a bitch to fascism.
CINO johnson is one person who Christ would have thrown out of the temple if he'd have been there at the time!
Although I was raised Catholic, now I am a Moral person, but not a Religious person!
You can be both, you can be either, or you can be neither ...
For example: the pope, myself, trump!
We need to label prayer as a mental illness. sorry but if you believe you can wish in your head and a space wizard will make it come true, you are mentally deranged. That you literally have a loving relationship with said space wizard? That he talks to you? What part of that is t a mental illness?
The very defintion of idiocracy in action.
Thank you for all the good work you do.
Day 1: (Today)-"The masks come off"—how billionaires went from shadowy string-pullers to open rulers.
Day 2 (Tomorrow)- "The Titans collide"—Trump vs. Musk, a war of greed, ego, and betrayal.
Worth a read!!
Shame Shame Shame Shame Shame Shame Shame Shame …
All of them, enabled by their hateful ignorant supporters.
All they are is a tool. A tool for hatemongers and psychopaths.
Shits about to get real 😉🤣🤣🤣
Modern "Christians" worship the rich.
— Matthew 6:24 (KJV)
Coming soon from a trump store near you
What part of ANY of this self-serving nonsense came from the Bible, or Jesus?
We cannot guilt them into proper behavior, as they've proven to have no conscience nor respect for the law.
Hyprocritical pieces of shit.
There's no justification for this other than Tate has been singing Trump's praises.
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God
Exceptions, always. Interpretations, always.
Cruelty and harm, always.
This atheist truly, 100% thinks Moses there is the Anti-Christ.
He's just as evil (if not more so) than Felon34, lies just as much, and is (terrifyingly enough) much more intelligent.
Yeah, he's one terrifying little gremlin.
Donald 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that he sent his second begotten son, and whosoever believing in him should not suffer, but have eternal wealth."
So the kids they dance and shake their bones
And the politicians throwing stones
Singing ashes, ashes, all fall down
The future's here, we are it, we are on our own
On our own, on our own, we are on our own
All hail the new Messiah
Wonder how god and Jesus would feel being treated like a whore.
He is praying to Trump, not to God
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others ... when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.
Read more!
Know your senator!
Trumps a liar!
Gas prices higher!
No rewarding top donors!
Make America Normal Again
Although I was raised Catholic, now I am a Moral person, but not a Religious person!
You can be both, you can be either, or you can be neither ...
For example: the pope, myself, trump!