If the republicans are so concerned about government waste and pollution, cross her name out and use them for scrap paper instead of throwing them in the landfill. Courage of your convictions, lads
These people are just like school yard bullies who make fun of other kids because they have holes in their shoes or speak with a lisp. This bullying comes from character flaws so deep that they think those things are real life matters. Their failing is mistaking the superficial for profound
Heck, even I, a total nobody, have personalized stationery. How else does one write thank you notes, congratulatory letters, condolences, and so forth? Very similar, blue border, embossed printing. And like Psaki, paid for it myself. My Mama taught me. I guess Oddjob was raised by wolves.
Julie, please stop! 🤣🤣 I just spat a sip of coffee onto my brand new white sweater. (Thankfully, it is washable.) Thanks for my first laugh of the day.
Yes...NOW does it make sense why "shittiest Bond villain EVER" EloNazi wants to go to Fort Knox with Jabba the Hutt stunt double and answer to "what if a shar pei and a walrus mated" Steven Cheung? Ever see "Goldfinger"? 😄
Petty and ignorant. These toads cannot let a moment of jealousy pass them by. We are being run by schoolyard bullies with way too much money and free time. The former is kind of ironic because they really should be more efficient with their use of time and tax payer money…
I mean, realistically, Stephen may not know what thank you cards are even for? Can you imagine etiquette training being part of the Trump transition into the White House?😂
This Nazi regime has absolutely nothing for Americans so they use petty attacks, snide comments and spin. WHY does anyone even talk to the criminal scum? All they do is lie and spin.
Going nuclear, then incredibly vulgar over monogrammed personal note stock, Mr. Cheung? It appears the Star Wars bar where,you and other creatures like you gather closed down early last Wednesday night, leaving you desperate to spew more of the stupid venom you have stored up.
Yeah well Jen Psaki could have done more before cashing in her talents for an MSNBC contract. I have very little compassion for this generation of Obama's middle aged power dems who sold out harder than GOPers ever did with Exxon or Halliburton.
DO NOT watch Trump’s address to Congress in prime time tomorrow.
Spend that time reviewing action items from Indivisible, Women Forward, Chop Wood Carry Water site, making calls/emails, attend protests, join a pro-democracy group, Tesla Takedown, volunteer, postcard, donate to Ukraine, etc.
Jesus, she should clean out her stuff? He looks like he doesn’t even clean his body. One would think he has more pressing things to do than opening and closing old cabinets. He was probably just looking for places to stash all his junk food. Yet another super-tough guy intimidated by a girl.
If the only thing that he can comment on is her personalized stationary. He's not focused on the REAL issues. And clearly, doesn't want to be bothered.
I think I still have personalized notecards like that from the 80s. Probably the Fingerhut catalog. 🤣 I hope Stevie has learned not to f--- with smart Greek women. He'll lose every time. BTW, when did coneheads get so ugly!
Firing necessary workers….
everyone off them.stalled development in 3rd grade
As we say in the south, that boys got no home raising.
A normal person could never be a loyalist to Trump.
And yes, Jen is important, unlike you, a fucking PIG!
If he raises a shoe above his head, duck.
Looks like a pimple ready to pop
Spend that time reviewing action items from Indivisible, Women Forward, Chop Wood Carry Water site, making calls/emails, attend protests, join a pro-democracy group, Tesla Takedown, volunteer, postcard, donate to Ukraine, etc.
But personalized stationary is a travesty. 🙄😑
It’s freaking CARTOONISH!!
you're damned if you do and damned if you don't
republicans are
painfully ugly ppl inside and out. I mean put a bag over your head ugly.
(And the CHINLESS Grifting BETA tate brothers)
just for old time’s sake—