I’ve been a teacher in a Deep Blue state for almost 30 years in Title 1. We get about 8% from Federal funding mostly for IEP compliance and FARMS. Red States receive as much as 24% from the Feds. We’ll see what happens…that’s all I can say.
The Small Business Administration is not the place for student loans. Unless students are now considered businesses? 🤷🏻♂️ I'm sick of the destruction.
So many MAGAts are going to find out just how much money their school gets. When the school has to cut football because they can't afford it, maybe they will finally see it.
Isn't it obvious that, to fully prosper, an economy requires workers to be educated to their fullest extent, regardless of their background and circumstances?
An intelligent person from a poor background is surely worth more than an average one from a rich background?
I honestly think it’s those that won’t be going to college anyhow simply want to hurt those that will be going, just to get back at them for having better lives and bigger paychecks.
Sick monster. Hurting America’s teachers and children most of all. Meanwhile Elon drags his mini me around as his human shield.He figures no one will “harm” him(afraid to write the right word/algorithms 👁️ )as long as he’s next to his child..while he decimates everyone else’s children.
Trump has no empathy, and neither does Musk. “Elon Musk has expressed contempt for empathy, calling it a fundamental weakness of Western civilization“. They see us like a farmer see cattle. https://time.com/7002003/dona...
The father of a boy/man that struggled to learn to deal with his autism, to seek employment and a special home is a Trump Voter. I have not idea how that happened. Maybe money. Family.
I’m guessing the longstanding Prresidential Fitness Award so many of us strived to attain in the 60s , 70s, and 80s has been thrown out the window given Trump’s myriad of achievements in track and field?
Worse than just that, the goal is to allow them to use tax payer money to subsidize sending wealthy kids to private schools that used to be unable to get education funding due to various reasons in the form of 'vouchers'. Get ready for Segregation 2.
Yeah, we've had that in the UK for some time, private schools claiming "charitable" status to get freebies form the government & tax exemption to keep their profits up, until now that is, they're being taxed properly now, and boy are the elitists angry about having to pay their way!!!
Also there was this guy whe sent $0.13 cheques to rich people all over the world just to see what would happen. Only 2 were cashed, 1 by a middle eastern arms dealer, and the other by Trump.
Some technically don't have enough money, they just want their little precious Tarquin Filbert Fonteroy the Third to go to a "prestigious name" school for the bragging rights, all part of the snobbery that goes with people thinking they're better than everyone else...
So am I in Germany and I fear it will happen in some ways also in my country. Military costs a lot in Europe now as DT ist in friendship with Putin and about to leave NATO.
As teachers we learned a lot about autistic children from your science in millenium years.
This is going to cause some much damage to our nation. I am also personally concerned what’s going to happen with my student loan. I have enough to pay it outright from my savings but it would pretty much wipe it out.
I’m struggling hard with the stupid on this one. There are so many uninformed/misinformed people who can’t even be bothered to look up what the Dept of Ed does and doesn’t do, and some of them are teachers! They just believe whatever Fox tells them. It’s an embarrassment to our profession.
There’s something missing from that graphic, and that’s civil rights protection for students. That’s what the Repugs are itching to get rid of so they can revise history, discriminate, segregate, and indoctrinate students without any pesky laws to slow them down.
That's incredibly concerning; our education system should be focused on equity and opportunity for all students, not undermined by political agendas. How can we best advocate for protecting these vital programs and ensuring every child has access to a quality education?
Trump will need many uneducated citizens to work in the factories. Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi Kentucky, and Missouri will provide the cream of the crop for those factories.
They're already there. By removing transgender people from their Civil Liberties. They denied some of the most intelligent people from their work force.
You're going to have to fight for your democracy and really question the inadequacies of your constitution and it's institutions. It's quite clear they're not up to it.
He assigned Special Education & meals to HHS. Student loans & grants to SBA. Which is a horrible solution since one wants to send people to a farm camp.
I don't believe this graphic is accurate. The US Department of Agriculture, specifically the Food and Nutrition Services, oversees the school lunch program.
Yep, a terrible human to take away from those who require services, support, and individualized care just make it day to day on the world. Not cool man, not cool.
Saw a post today from a Texan, no surprise there, that their child died from the measles, they said they did not regret their own child dying from not being vaccinated. How much pain and suffering do these maggot Christian Nazi supporters have to go through before they wake up? Or is it too late?
congress created the department of education, so he can't just dissolve it
of course, who the fuck is going to stop him is the question, because it's surely not the fucking @democrats.org
Every single benefit of DofEd looks like something a privileged and idiotic racist would be eager to abolish. Too bad there are at least three of those currently running/ruining the Inited States.
Especially after so many kids missed critical steps during the COVID-19 pandemic. They will struggle to keep up for the rest of their lives. They need MORE, not less.
And by extension…. A lot of unemployment for teachers. There’s only so much disrespect and capitulating teachers can handle before they say screw this and leave….
It's all going to come down to individual state support. States that value education as an investment into our youth will foot the bill. States that don't put a lot of emphasis on education, those kids are going to suffer the most. Overall very detrimental to future generations.
The plan is to cut anything that costs money, regardless of value, then have the oligarchs split up the country's physical assets and the government coffers.
Look at what Putin did to Russia. He even changed it so that the governors, rather than being elected, were appointed by him.
Don't forget ELL. Together with SpEd and Free/reduced-price lunch, they form the group at highest risk of not graduating with a regular high school diploma.
Also, the Education Department has oversight over accrediting agencies. It's what makes institutions eligible for federal funding. So, who's watching the watchmen now? I suppose we're just taking the word of whoever invests in crypto or buys a few Teslas...
Elon, Trump, and MAGA have to be demonic. How do you cut any of these programs especially lunches and special ed and sleep at night? They need to go to a place worse than hell. Unfreakinbelievable.
Click to take action and please share.
ALL OF THESE THINGS SHOULD BE PROTECTED THOUGH obviously. Fuck that moldy orange fascist.
An intelligent person from a poor background is surely worth more than an average one from a rich background?
“If I can’t live well, why should you?”
This is class warfare. The rich are intentionally putting your kids at extreme risk.
Viva la revolution. For the kids, and the future they deserve.
ESPECIALLY the school safety program.
The uneducated made him who he is.
Soon the people will be grateful for just “bread & circuses”.
Or am I missing something?
As teachers we learned a lot about autistic children from your science in millenium years.
And the superhuman crew
Come out & round up everyone
That knows more than they do
Make America illiterate again
Maybe look north for an improved system.
Kids are going to go hungry.
of course, who the fuck is going to stop him is the question, because it's surely not the fucking @democrats.org
Especially after so many kids missed critical steps during the COVID-19 pandemic. They will struggle to keep up for the rest of their lives. They need MORE, not less.
State AG’s unite!
I swear, it all comes down to religion and what they do and don't want being taught in schools... 💔
How much more will we be able to sustain?
Look at what Putin did to Russia. He even changed it so that the governors, rather than being elected, were appointed by him.
Krasnov the Felon47
Mandating curriculum to schools. — that’s not and never was what they did. They never told schools WHAT to teach.
They literally you’ll become too dumb to notice.
Shame on these heartless cretins.
Why is he still on the planet?