We all know enough about this sentient cyst to know that every single word that falls out of the rectum on his face is, to use a technical British term, bollocks.
He's been talking bollocks for decades, and yet somehow, there he is, metres away from the nuclear football.
Remember his giant "healthcare plan" binder that was full of blank pages? We used to call it the BFB strategy. Walk around with a Big Fucking Binder so people would think you were working on something important.
And prior to the 2016 election he also told the country that in about 2 weeks, Melania will hold a press conference and discuss her immigration journey to becoming a legal citizen.
Waiting, still waiting……
If he's consistent at anything, it's breaking promises or outright lying 🤥
Never trust him for anything. He promised he was going to save the country. The only thing he's done is tear it apart brick by brick every single day.
He will make it to the date the midterms are meant to be held. The Heritage Foundation will keep him on life support if necessary. They don't want J D Vance taking the hot seat until after the 2 year point so that they can fix it for him to be there for a full decade.
I don't think you understood the YT video. If they are following the plan for creating an American Technate, martial law will be declared on or before Easter. Then there will be no more elections.
April 15th is coming up soon. What happens when magas realize they're going to still pay tax on their tips, and they're still going to pay tax on their social security.
He says lots of things. He also lies as much as he talks. He doesnt think anyone beeds to know who he really is or what he's done. Ask Mr. Pecker from the Enquirer.
Anatomy of a blowhard. It would be sure winning bet that the orange menace to society could not keep his blow hole shut for as little as 24 of his awake hours. That includes any social media pontification.
It doesn't really matter what he said he is still delivering a Fascist agenda. You voted for a Dictator so what are you expecting to o happen.
You had years of warnings America but just couldn't help yoursrlvesso get used to being the scum on this planet.
Go to X with your hate. There is no room for that here. Anyone with a handful of brain cells knows that you don't group an entire nation of people together unless you are a bigot.
You didn't read what was said despite the typos. So do you just see a few words you don't like and then make it up as you go along!
You're country elected a Fascist Dictator.....FACT. The USA turned its back on people who supported through thick and thin! That makes you pretty fucking low in my book
Thanks again for judging one person based on what you want to believe. I would never blame every citizen of a country for the actions of their leader. We are dealing with a pandemic of disinformation targeted at the uneducated. Yes, some terrible people are here as well, but we are not homogenous.
I'm trying to figure how your doing it, are you reading every third word or something?
Where in the entire message have I blamed 'every Citizen of a county for the actions of their leader'. Where am I 'judging one person on what you want to believe'
Nope, you must be making it up, like your leaders
Beyond awesome. Imagine trying to do something similar in the USA these days... the place that loftily purports to be the home of “free expression” and untrammeled “free speech”... There would be no fucking way this kind of public mockery would ever be allowed or permitted.
After a dictatorship left a permanent scar on their reputation and how the world viewed them for years, it should come as no surprise that they won't tolerate any form of fascism ideology.
One would think. However the AfD, todays right wing (one could say nazi) party, scored ~20% in the last election. In some states they are even more popular. Germany is drifting towards the right spectrum at an alarming rate. :(
Oh the old days were much better. Queueing for Hours and Hours in all weather's. Meeting interesting fellow citizens never expressing a political opinion. When buying a 1/2 doz eggs.
That aught to be on the front page of every newspaper. In the top center a fresh picture of trump with those words, and under it a list of the previous days lies. You could run it every day until he dies.
He also said we’d be so tired of winning. I’m tired alright. Tired of hatefulness, cruelty, indecency & boundless greed coming from DJT, Elon and the selfish, plundering millionaires & billionaires who show not a shred, nor sliver of empathy or compassion - much less respect for our constitution.
They still “eating the cats & the dogs of people who live there”?
No tax on tips & Social Security?
Peace in Ukraine on day one. Guess he didn’t mention which year.
Repeal Obamacare.
Ban on WH officials lobbying for foreign gov’ts
When you think about it, a thorough forensic accounting of every president's finances, prior to taking office, ought to be law. Just to ensure there isn't and never has been any opportunity for undesirable foreign actors to have any financial sway over the most powerful public office in the world.
I guess its just shocking, didn’t realize anyone who wasn’t a redhat was still on those.
I just felt so gross supporting them by having an account, especially on twitter which basically treated us like we didn’t exist unless we were forking over money to Elon towards the end. Same with Meta & data
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
In November 2022, Amtrak announced plans to replace the Susquehanna River (rail) Bridge, with design and construction contracts that were awarded in 2023. Those contracts for the $2.1B project were from Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
The real crime is those were stupid enough to vote for him, too lazy to vote for anyone, and us #harriswalz voters are all suffering under the same fat, overly bronzed thumb.
MAGAts don't care.
He could literally blow up the Statue of Liberty and they would not care. They dig deep for some twisted logic or pathetic excuse for every rotten, horrible lie he tells and for every despicable act that hurts someone - even folks they purport to love. It's a cult.
And any suffering they endure is sacrifice worth doing for their lord and saviour, yada , yada something religiousy , to validate it.
The massive evangelical nutjob movement is why he won. Those people are deferred to mass hysteria and hocus pocus bullshit. With unwavering loyalty, no matter what.
Well the convicted 🍊💩felon did start a war w/ our great allies, Canada, Denmark, Greenland, Ukraine, Mexico & Panama.
Um, Russia, the 🍊💩 is too weak against a killer instinct like Putin. He'll never defy Putin over America's interests. Nope. Impeach! Where's the fking congress oh, they're in on it!
I NEVER forget thst he's a convicted felon, rapist with a lifetime of being a grifter, con man, mobster thug, abusing and using everyone in his life and he's a pathological liar.
I wish Putin had enough decency in him to stop his invasion on Ukraine and their peoples. Putin should be grateful for his self styled tyrant's life and just drink some grape juice and calm down...wars are very dark things and...
He also said people were eating cats and dogs. That’s right Trump you fucking idiot we haven’t forgotten even if your inbred Maga cunts prefer to forget.
I'm pretty sure that
Trump's plan to end the war involved Trump divvying up Ukraine with Putin. No way the asshole fascist ever figured Zelenskyy would say "hell no," and all the European allies would back Ukraine.
Oh yeah ...you didn't know. Seattle Times posted this, this morning. He's taking credit for Biden's infrastructure bill. What a disgusting POS...how low can he go, pretty low!
and also said (dozens of times) that in 2 weeks he would unveil his great new healthcare plan, and that he would testify in his E. Jean Carroll defamation trial.
Trump is the biggest, most blatant and most shameless liar in history. It's impossible to lie more often or more blatantly than he does.
Trump promised a Healthcare Policy in two weeks . . . . 9 years ago. Today he says he has a "concept." Surprised everyone because he actually doesn't have a clue about anything.
The fact that ANYONE believes anything he says, or believes he's sincere about ANY promise, is appalling at this late date. He lied over 30,000 times from 2017-2021 (source - Washington Post). WHY CAN'T PEOPLE SEE THAT HE IS A CONMAN WHO LIES FOR A LIVING.
And lower inflation, and lower cost on groceries, and introduce his own Healthcare plan, and lower the cost of living, and cut taxes (but he wasn't specific and is only cutting taxes for the rich) and....
Let me guess, Mexico is gonna pay for the wall! Just like they pay the extra cost for our avocados & spinach and fresh produce at the grocery store. (Lol) We have certainly entered the golden age- for Billionaires!
You know I'm so sick of watching the people of this country be exploited by scum like Trump, but you know, if you ever believed a word he said, then maybe those who did deserve it.
He's been talking bollocks for decades, and yet somehow, there he is, metres away from the nuclear football.
Waiting, still waiting……
Never trust him for anything. He promised he was going to save the country. The only thing he's done is tear it apart brick by brick every single day.
He would not touch Social Security
He would not touch Medicare/Medicaid
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
You had years of warnings America but just couldn't help yoursrlvesso get used to being the scum on this planet.
You're country elected a Fascist Dictator.....FACT. The USA turned its back on people who supported through thick and thin! That makes you pretty fucking low in my book
Where in the entire message have I blamed 'every Citizen of a county for the actions of their leader'. Where am I 'judging one person on what you want to believe'
Nope, you must be making it up, like your leaders
pendulum swings, often very badly
Instead, he killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
They still “eating the cats & the dogs of people who live there”?
No tax on tips & Social Security?
Peace in Ukraine on day one. Guess he didn’t mention which year.
Repeal Obamacare.
Ban on WH officials lobbying for foreign gov’ts
- Has said in the past,
- Is saying now, or
- Says he will do in the future!
America - and the World - Know! 🇺🇸 🌍
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
Trump wants a piece "of" Ukraine.
And truth, justice and goodness is being sucked into that vortex too.
It never ends well.
I just felt so gross supporting them by having an account, especially on twitter which basically treated us like we didn’t exist unless we were forking over money to Elon towards the end. Same with Meta & data
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
He could literally blow up the Statue of Liberty and they would not care. They dig deep for some twisted logic or pathetic excuse for every rotten, horrible lie he tells and for every despicable act that hurts someone - even folks they purport to love. It's a cult.
The massive evangelical nutjob movement is why he won. Those people are deferred to mass hysteria and hocus pocus bullshit. With unwavering loyalty, no matter what.
He hates that he can't get away with BS like Kim Jung IL does.
Again, Trump Hates America.
Um, Russia, the 🍊💩 is too weak against a killer instinct like Putin. He'll never defy Putin over America's interests. Nope. Impeach! Where's the fking congress oh, they're in on it!
Nothing more than that at all.
There is your answer
..or wear a suit.
Trump's plan to end the war involved Trump divvying up Ukraine with Putin. No way the asshole fascist ever figured Zelenskyy would say "hell no," and all the European allies would back Ukraine.
Trump is the biggest, most blatant and most shameless liar in history. It's impossible to lie more often or more blatantly than he does.
Give it 2 weeks.
It’s always 2 weeks.
Musk, too. And Vance, for good measure.