The only defence against that is to develop an immunity to brigading.
I get in trouble for saying this but liberal women politicians just walking away because the death threats aren't worth it is an expression of privilege that hurts everyone
But this also is not a solution, because even overt immunity to constant death threats and character assassination (ie simply refusing to resign) has covert consequences that degrade capability and political effectiveness. Kiri Allen and Golriz Ghahraman want a word
Well, we want to have a look at *why* non-white women politicians seem to self-destruct in such ways (that their white cohorts and non-white male cohorts don't, for example)
Probably not really. But that means that they need more support, unless we want to restrict progressive politics to those who have it on easy mode i.e. white cishet dudes
Yeah. And it's frustrating to me that many of the left want to respond instead (or as well) by raising tolerance for incompetence, malfeasance, messy dysfunction &c out of sympathy, or using the extent of that pressure as mitigation. Because that's part of what gives the bullshit anti-DEI push legs
I get in trouble for saying this but liberal women politicians just walking away because the death threats aren't worth it is an expression of privilege that hurts everyone