Brereton always defines corruption as typically being engaged in "for a private benefit" which is explicitly NOT what his own Act requires. They even have a clause saying: "Conduct involving a public official may be corrupt conduct even if the conduct is not for the person’s personal benefit."
Brereton now doing his backpeddle on the Alan Robertson SC (former fed court judge) findings that he engaged in officer misconduct. "I accept that the finding is open... and it was in the public interest to accept it and move on." But views differ, he says. So he's undermining the decision.
“I’m, frankly, not as pessimistic about the current position of public trust as some are. I agree that there are some sectors and segments which do not have trust in the commission … I think they are probably segments that may never have really been inclined to trust the commission…” Paul Brereton.
Jayzus ... with nearly 500,000 directly pursued let alone families affected and public outrage at Robodebt the Commissioner does not accept widespread disquiet about NACC handling of RC referral.
The RC proved, without a doubt, that justice and accountability was recommended... 57 recommendations.
Brereton is in denial. NACC was one of the most influential electoral promises made by Albanese government and #robodebt played a big part in public opinion.
Brereton: “The public interest lies in exposing corrupt conduct. But if you’re exposing conduct that has already been exposed, that’s where I don’t think you’re adding much value.”
Yes read it Rick - fantastic work by you not letting go of this! David Shoebridge and Helen Haines grilling him too, good we can see Breretons obfuscating, weasle word answers . Top marks for all you do!!🎖️🎖️🎖️
Shoebridge and Haines asked fabulous questions. Brereton did not come out looking competent. I was actually quite shocked at how unimpressive Brereton was.
But we can’t let ourselves off the hook especially when, as a nation, we continue deliberately to make the same mistakes time and time again with eyes wide shut.
I think Brereton wants "corrupt conduct" to fit legal concepts he was comfortable with as barrister & judge. He wants the conduct to justify criminal conviction for fraud or, at very least, civil liability. Anti-corruption bodies are meant to make public officials accountable where the law does not.
Your fight for justice has been amazing . Can’t say the same about many at the abc. Thank you
People died and the excuse time and time again from Liberal MPs was they believed Robdebt was legal. They didn’t bother to check the law or follow up terrible outcomes . They demonised the victims.
It occurs to me that with your encyclopaedic knowledge of the issues and relevant legislation and rules, that you would make in infinitely better NACC Chief.
Exactly. If, for example, you hand out awards at a school and you don't have a transparent process in determining who gets the awards, that is corruption. No teacher is benefiting from who gets the silver medallion, but it matters that the process is fair.
Brereton: Absolutely, I was responding to a question about what you could do.
This guy.
Brereton: Senator, I accept there is disquiet in some quarters. I am not prepared to accept it is widespread.
I accept that there is disquiet in some areas. I’m not prepared to accept that it’s widespread.”
The RC proved, without a doubt, that justice and accountability was recommended... 57 recommendations.
The by-line to generate an image of ‘Tough cop on the beat’ was a significant policy and platform of the LNP.
They acted illegally to sell it.
They won elections based on the premise of this falsity.
But marketing, misinformation, corruption a disinformation can be a powerful public tool when used by a political party.
Most people read the slogans and not the content.
But we can’t let ourselves off the hook especially when, as a nation, we continue deliberately to make the same mistakes time and time again with eyes wide shut.
People died and the excuse time and time again from Liberal MPs was they believed Robdebt was legal. They didn’t bother to check the law or follow up terrible outcomes . They demonised the victims.