Only if they don't mess with it! But yes ..that and The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, and maybe Song for the Basilisk. I think those are her best, but Riddle Master is my favorite.
Megan Lindholm aka Robin Hobb. "Wizard of the Pigeons" still one of my fave books. Also Robin McKinley "The Hero and the Crown". Also loved Janet Kagans "Uhuras Song" Star Trek novel featuring sentient, wise, bipedal cats.
Leigh Brackett definitely; Andre Norton and Anne McCaffrey. Later I discovered C.L. Moore (although I'd enjoyed the Kuttner/Moore "Lewis Padgett" stories as a youngster, so there's that.)
James Tiptree Jr. was an elusive figure, giving only one interview in “his” career, which was condcted by mail. Tiptree was actually Alice Bradley, a one-time CIA agent who had adopted the Tiptree pseudonym while finishing her doctorate in psychology. She took the name “Tiptree” from a jam jar.
Loved her books and loved meeting her one day in the UK.