Funny how that is, roughly 3000 religions, all fake but Christianity? Huh, that’s weird
Imaginary friends are great, until you start killing for him, force others to believe in him, restrict women’s rights on account of him, then justify voting for a rapist, pedophile and 34 count felon, for him.
yep. It should have been enough for most people with functioning brains. It was a telling insight into the trump mind and it was cruel and pathetic. Just like him. If it looks and sounds like a dickwad folks… it’s a dickwad!
It’s hard to argue with that statement given what we are seeing, but I hope the folks on this site and tens of millions of Americans are decent people. Because it is those people, who will eventually need to rise up to remove this dictator from power. Because he’s not going anywhere in four years.
It certainly should have been. It truly speaks to the upbringing, and lack of morals and ethics of the people that went on vote for him. In a word, they are SCUM.
No, my country is 22% assholes. Horrible people who we should put in a few states and put up walls to keep them out of the rest of our country. (Here is my math on the 22%) Imagine if we had a democrat like here in the states running in 2028?
Unfortunately, that is assuming all 345M are voting age non felons. In reality there we’re probably 175M eligible voters, and even that’s being generous. So somewhere between 44 and 50% of all eligible voters voted for him. So a lot of non MAGA voted for him…or, more likely, the election was rigged.
If we don't stand together as ONE VOICE...we might as well not stand at all!!! No politician (no matter how big their platform is) can save us! The ONLY way to end this is millions in the streets.
dump is the biggest scum of all!
How horrific is it that a man running for president makes fun of a handicapped person and still gets voted in! Twice!
Not because he is rich, not because he is racist, not because he is a republican, not because he is red, not because he is a three term president, not because he is a moron.
Throw him out of the oval office because he is "less than zero," and sub human slime to the Nth degree.
But a disabled SCUM. Remember his pitiable bone spurs. I mourn the young people who gave their lives in Vietnam so he could be free to spew forth the sewage that flows from his mouth
That’s who we have always been 😒 this is what they voted him in for. Not healthcare, education, PTO, better unions, clean water, Social Security, but the right to call black people the N word and disabled people names and the right to hate immigrants because god is racist😒👇this is why he won
I would tend to agree with you, Elon is a POS, but, he and his staff are savants at computers. Just because the computers were not hacked when Chump lost, does NOT preclude the probability that they were by Elon and his staff.
Of all the “I can’t believe that wasn’t the end of it” moments, that might be the biggest one. I still remember when I brought this up on facebook and people were trying to defend him.
Every story like this, and there are thousands of them, make you ask why anybody would vote for this piece of shit unless you are also a racist and of criminal mind piece of shit as well. Americans that voted for Trump should be embarrassed. Those who didn’t vote should be the ones deported.
As an American I was appalled at this when it happened and so disgusted that so many people turned a blind eye to the fact of what a piece of shit this asshole really is! 🤮
Then maybe the guy on the right would be behind bars.
Imaginary friends are great, until you start killing for him, force others to believe in him, restrict women’s rights on account of him, then justify voting for a rapist, pedophile and 34 count felon, for him.
i will never understand why it wasn’t for everyone else.
If we don't stand together as ONE VOICE...we might as well not stand at all!!! No politician (no matter how big their platform is) can save us! The ONLY way to end this is millions in the streets.
How horrific is it that a man running for president makes fun of a handicapped person and still gets voted in! Twice!
Not because he is rich, not because he is racist, not because he is a republican, not because he is red, not because he is a three term president, not because he is a moron.
Throw him out of the oval office because he is "less than zero," and sub human slime to the Nth degree.
I can’t even begin to count the number of things wrong with that explanation.