You can't look at Trump's first 36 hrs and deny that there's a fascist admin. in the WH. So what is the strategy to fight against his agenda, nominees, and to win in '26 and beyond? Join & guest at 7P ET.
The Dems need better candidates that inspire people to get off the couch and vote.
All Republicans = Nazis [instead of MAGA]
Those opposed to Nazis (dems, never trumpers, average republicans, independents, plus) = Americans
There really are some characteristics from all three here. But also hints of oligarchy in there.
I think we'll need a few years to fully define Trumpism.
I hope we will witness not only the collapse of Trump but the entire Republican party.
We have ringside seats .
I have been highly proactive working against Trump from the get-go. When he lost in 2020, most fell asleep thinking he was gone. I begged folks to wake up, that it was no longer a man but a huge movement and here we are.
Resistance isn't futile.
Revolution is necessary.