“After manning one of Services Australia's call centres for about eight years, Mr Dalli says his manager called him for a coaching session because some of his toilet breaks took longer than five minutes”
I worked for a popular charge card call centre in the 90s who would monitor toilet break timings. I was once asked why I didn’t go when I was on my break. I replied “because I didn’t need to go when I was on my break”, a colleague replied “would you prefer I stay and piss myself at my desk?”
Maybe it’s time ‘all’ members of parliament were required to have their working days monitored. I’ll bet there’s more than a few who don’t even turn up to their respective electorate offices on more than the odd occasion. Let’s start with Babble head in Victoria. No 8 hours work, no 8 hours pay.
I am a productivity machine some days, and get nothing done other days. I don't 'slack off', but my brain can't form a complete sentence sometimes, let alone do complex tasks. The anxiety of being reprimanded for my bad days, would absolutely impact my confidence and performance on my good days.
I was talking with someone today about how society teaches us not to trust what our bodies need, including toilet breaks, starting with school... then employers do rubbish like this!!!