In the sense that it's disgusting. Not that it's surprising. Centrelink etc payments are designed to be as hard to get and maintain as possible, with very poor accountability.
This reminds me that, during lockdown, I applied for the carers' allowance but could get it not without getting my daughter assessed. She was home with me to keep her safe and her Centrelink file is chokkas with assessments.
If my daughter were to go to hospital I would have to stay with her. The NDIA won't support people in hospital (she usually has one to one support and is extremely uncooperative). I would/could never leave her to the mercy of hospital staff.
Seriously? So one of the most stressful times anyone can have as a parent (having a child admitted to hospital) is considered a holiday by the govt if your kid just happens to be disabled? WTF 😬 ?