What a way to start a conversation; by telling someone that their body is the will of the lowest individual!! Such indubitably very oh so inspiring words by a totally so very religious Christian who totally had no intent of insulting anyone’s physical form!!!! /s
Note: this is SATIRE. I wish the average person cruising the interwebs was intelligent enough to recognize - and appreciate - Satire. Sadly, that's not true and I get in trouble - frequently - for posting Satire. There. Did I say "SATIRE" enough? Enjoy. Or, don't. https://theonion.com/it-is-journalism-s-sacred-duty-to-endanger-the-lives-of-1850126997/
You’re such a cute,intelligent, optimist. You actually want to believe that people are just as clever as you and willing to read critically everything blasted to them.Ive grown too cynical to trust that humanity as a whole will do the right things when so few control the world views of everyone else
Ohhhhh - FFS
You know - a hypothetical god that gleefully condemns people to an eternity of suffering for something that is not even ethically bad might not be the best deity to believe in
People like that give Christians a bad name. I'm a Christian as in I do my best to follow Christ's teachings of loving thy neighbor. These fake Christians who think it's their duty to damn others to Hell make it really, really hard. Keep your head up Vivian, you have love and support! 💙🌈🏳️🌈
It always seems the people too afraid to show their face in their profile picture are the most likely to trash someone based on how they look or present themselves.
I’m so sorry. Funny, everyone in the Bible was invited into heaven .. prostitutes, tax collectors, homeless, poor, working class fishermen … the only people in trouble were high priests and the rich men who oppressed people.
You know - a hypothetical god that gleefully condemns people to an eternity of suffering for something that is not even ethically bad might not be the best deity to believe in
I'll go first;
Thank you, Satan.
(Hopefully he gives me the body I want)
Let's normalize calling people cowards again.