Completely with you on this. But do people really throw this much hate at GO fans and the innocent cast and crew elsewhere? Or is it still just isolated incidents over on Twitter?
I can’t speak for more than what I’ve seen happen to the crew online, but I’ve personally been approached by several people in my life face-to-face in the last few days voicing their disbelieve that I’m still willing to be in a fandom for a work that was “his”...
...I can only imagine the same is happening to other people in the fandom. I can’t see myself comfortable silently going on making fanart or costumes without talking about this.
I'm no longer on the site myself, but I heard that some members of the crew and cast were being harassed on twitter through replies and private messages for being involved with GO, still following his twitter account etc.
I'm sorry but I’m not entirely sure. It’s just what I’ve heard and seen people mention online. Supposedly, most of it was on Twitter, but since I’m not active there, it’s hard to keep track of what is actually happening
Did you explain to them that it was never really "his" and that it is an extremely narrow, cruel and shitty mindset to target all the people who DIDN'T do it, instead of the ONE (1) jerk who did? We didn't even sign up to this for him. And the few who did couldn't have known either.
I totally agree. For context, I can see why some of the people who questioned me might have felt the way they did, given my own personal history. I like to believe that their reactions came from a place of genuine worry. It’s a complex situation, and I’ve done my best to explain it where I could...
...Even so, it does hurt to see such a wonderful story, one that has brought me and many many others so much comfort and joy, being scrutinised in this way.