I don't even want to think about it, but it's going to be a very high number.
Comparing #Drumpf to Hitler is unfair to Hitler.
Comparing #Drumpf to Hitler is unfair to Hitler.
drumpf is going to do all the same atrocities just to line his own pocketbook
I hate Hitler Don't get it twisted but, he was a true nationalist. Trump wants to see America burn and Russia prosper for some fucked reason. 🤷
Both are vengeful, both are soulless. Hitler came from a time and culture with kings. His loyalty was to his kingdom or Fatherland. Trump is from a time and culture of deals and real estate. His loyalty is to $$$ and property.
Humans sure get weird sometimes.
German salaries never returned to pre-depression levels under the Nazis.
There are no good nazi years, that is nazi propaganda that is still sadly very widespread.
let's be clear; i am not saying hitler was a good person.