We fight on all fronts.
Republicans are trying to pass another resolution blaming the country’s problems on gay and transgender kids and drag shows.
To distract from measles outbreaks, rising costs, and the stock market crash.
I’m on the Senate floor now to stop it.
Republicans are trying to pass another resolution blaming the country’s problems on gay and transgender kids and drag shows.
To distract from measles outbreaks, rising costs, and the stock market crash.
I’m on the Senate floor now to stop it.
Focus on the financial and HR CRIMES they are committing.
Do I need to paint you a picture?
That’s why the Dems can’t get any traction, they want RESULTS!!!
They are in a cult, they are not going to help us, and the folks in the LGBTQ+ community have been discriminated against for too long for us to turn our back on them when the need us the most.
Please rethink your priorities.
Los republicanos están tratando de aprobar otra resolución culpando de los problemas del país a los niños gais y transgénero y a los espectáculos de drag.
Para distraer de los brotes de sarampión, el aumento de los costos y el colapso del mercado de valores…..”
By the way, maybe you should talk to Senator Warner, who is on FOX saying what a great job Trump is doing. Does he realize the thousands of jobs his State is losing?
They see a natural ally in Putin for their ethno-nationalism and might-makes-right worldview.
Turn around and take a stand.
But yes, stop them. You stood united in stopping them yesterday, so let's keep it up today. Thank you.
Someone taking a stand for our kids.
Then #DEI
& #Trans
& #Climate
Then ALL #FederalWorkers⬇️
Each time I did not speak out
NOW they're coming for me
Is it too late?
#MidTerms 🇺🇸
They use it because it works.
The consolidation of wealth is the core issue.
Progressive taxation is the solution
Corporations ≠ people
Money ≠ speech
wealth ≠ wisdom
How many of them lost family members fighting Fascists in WW2? They have betrayed all the soldiers who died during WW2. Bunch of cowards who were required by Constitution to keep Trump from being President again.
Do not be surprised when Canada and Mexico say that USA based companies have to sell their assets in their countries or they will be seized without compensation.
We need more of your plain speaking about these issues man.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump
Hire these guys to impeach Dictator Trump before May 1st
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck LLP
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP