McConnell's obstruction had a couple of goals, but by far the biggest was control of the judiciary. The point being, there was a specific and defined plan behind his obstruction.
Truthfully, Democrats don't need that. They need to be what the Tea Party dreamt of being--eternal sand in the gears.
Truthfully, Democrats don't need that. They need to be what the Tea Party dreamt of being--eternal sand in the gears.
Reposted from
Andy Craig
"Do what Mitch would do..."
No, not even close. Mitch didn't do even 1% of what could be done by a minority determined to keep the Senate grinding in circles getting absolutely nothing done. They should be blowing past McConnell-level obstruction in a way that makes it look like business as usual.
No, not even close. Mitch didn't do even 1% of what could be done by a minority determined to keep the Senate grinding in circles getting absolutely nothing done. They should be blowing past McConnell-level obstruction in a way that makes it look like business as usual.