First, that's not true. Second, it can change. Third, I find your reluctance to challenge and fight these people as disturbing as what they do, perhaps more. We can't win if we don't try.
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I don't think her comment was disturbing; it was just factual. In Missouri, we had a fantastic candidate in Lucas Kunce, running against Josh Hawley, Jan 6 organizer—and Josh won by 55.57 %. In these red-gerrymandering states, having an R by your name does pay off which is disturbing.
Both Hawley and Marshall are Senators. Gerrymandering is not a factor in State wide Senate races. The whole point is that a lot of Rs are angry about what Musk/Trump are doing.
I was born and raised in KS. When I turned 18 my dad took me to my first election day. When driving to the polling place I was asking him about who was on the ballot. He said "you just look for the R next to the name, or the *." Maybe others in KS are different. 🤷♂️
And tbf we currently have 2x Democratic governor. Probably a backlash pendulum swing from the godawful Brownback administration (gutted KS govt in less dramatic, but much the same way cheeto is doing to US), but no one can deny she was re-elected!✌🏾
You know, she managed to do a fair amount for a while. Closed all schools pretty early after Covid hit--I want to say within 2-3 months. Pissed ppl off and State legislature recently barred Gov from forbidding assemblage (it was a pandemic ppl!). I imagine it was pretty tough for her during Covid.
There's a handful of blue counties in KS. Everything else is red all the way down and gerrymandered to hell to keep it that way. That's really the explanation.
But that doesn't matter for U.S. Senate seats which are statewide elections. Gerrymandering has no effect. Unless you're talking about Maryland. Just look at the shape of that state -- clearly it's gerrymandered. Thankfully it's gerrymandered in favor of Democrats. 1/2
I've never met more people in my life than in KS who were actively proud of the fact that they don't and in some cases have never left KS. It's not the badge of honor they seem to think it is because not having to consider the alternative is rewarded. 3/3
And Rs have treated farmers like welfare state freeloaders for decades now. So, you have to get them thinking that people don't understand what it's like in KS for people in KS while telling them that everything else out of KS is dark, scary, and weird. I'm serious about this. 2/3
So on this, I'll say - gerrymandering isn't just lines on a map. It is, also, a form of voter manipulation. It's often dressed up as tradition, that downballot R voting is how it's done around here. It lacks so much logical reasoning as most of KS is agricultural. 1/3
Those handful of blue counties (Wyandotte, Johnson, Shawnee and Douglas) contain roughly half the residents of the state tho. We need to reach non-voters and leave republicans to their own devices, they’re a lost cause.
It's not that they sent Ron Johnson. It's the fact that they voted *that* bottom feeding turd in and replaced Russ Feingold. When I lived in Wisconsin it wasn't uncommon to see campaign signs for Dubya *and* Russ in the same yard in Waukesha
I swear Wisconsin still baffles me and I grew up there.
I'm still in the city you were in and there's T&P flags still flying since 2016. Cheap people but willing to pay out only to get ripped off. PS I got to buy my garbage can that the city owns. It was a "steal" 😮💨
Money started pouring into the elections in Wisconsin to push the R’s. It was already gerrymandered to F but once they bought their way in on top, that tipped the scales.
Fight for it. Failure is fine. Not fighting is not fine.In this moment they are ripe to at least listen. If Dems don’t post leaflets and pound the street right now, after they experienced this, then I don’t know what to tell ya. Now is a window of time to get a few. Hope people try.
I hear what you’re saying, but that seat has been held by a republican since 1919. It’s the longest streak for a seat in the entire country. We should keep trying, but it’s not our most optimistic fight. I feel much better about our chances of electing another dem governor.
It's pretty true, sadly. Kansas has only one Democrat in the US Congress. And that's in the House though I don't remember their name. And they represent eastern Kansas. The 3rd CD, I believe. Most of Kansas is country or small towns. Hell, Wichita, the largest city in KS went Trump 3x in a row.
I swear Wisconsin still baffles me and I grew up there.