Look at this beautiful creature that people like Trump and Musk would gladly kill brutally in public and giggle if they thought that would give them just one more bite more of the world to eat. They are evil and must be stopped...
Wow, 8! I had 4 and thght that was a lot. One passed away ladt month. 😢 Good for you. Animals are addicting. 😀😂 We have two catboxes. One is a robot that cleans itself after every use. The cats weren't sure at first but they use more often than the regular catbox. Super easy to clean too.
😂😂 One of our eldest ones used to sit and watch it clean after she used it. Echo wasn't sure of it at the beginning. All the cats eventually got used to it. I had to buy some stuff that attracts cats to the litter box. Once I did that, it worked.😀
Yes, I know kitties are fastidious, but poor momma 💖, I know momma keeps the litter boxes VERY acceptable & she has SO much to do, she needs to be treated kindly & I love you SO VERY, VERY much precious Missy 🤗😽😽😽😽! 💕😻
Mofo understands. She has 2 litter boxes all to herself because she's not only a spoiled Princess but also an asshole who likes to show her hoomans who's boss by excreting near the front door simply because she's too lazy to walk the extra few feet to the laundry room where her main poop box is. 👍
She was supposed to be a dog. We'd planned on getting a little chihuahua and had already bought the monogramed bowls and collars and etc. But then this tiny, blind kitten came into our lives and we just couldn't say no. And so was born the legend that is Mofo the Disapproving Kitteh!
I have four cats, and have 7 currently set up. Another one needs to be replaced. My cats are punks. 😫🤣 If they’re not up to snuff, my oldest cat starts peeing everywhere else. I have a pee-proof cover on my couch and bed!
Same. Our cooper is diabetic. He gets upset at a dirty litter box and will spray everything in site. We learned just to let him have 3 boxes of his own and keep them incredibly clean. He’s a mess.
Aww, that stinks. My 10 yr old male came to us as “a cat that never sprays”. We quickly learned that was BS! 🤦 We have 2 females, and even after 5 years, they still can’t stand him. I think he sprays mostly out of stress. 😞 So, we have boxes all over, so he can at least feel safe in one.
Oh, scary robot potty machine 🙀. I was just wondering because when I’m ready to adopt again, I thought I’d try one, but they’re a bit pricey if Kitty won’t use it.
Our 10 yr old loves her litter robot, so do we. We got her used to it by having it next to the old box, she. Used it when her old box got used, eventually just removed the old one.
Every cat I have ever had was terrified of those automatic litter boxes. Same with my sister's cats. I know there must be some cats who readily accept them, but I've never known one.
I follow Travis and Sigrid. Sigrid is an adventure cat, a large white Norwegian Forest Cat, & travels in Travis’ bike basket. I saw that she uses a robot potty. However, she is also deaf. Her housemate Kitty isn’t deaf & she uses it, too. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Teddy is very respectful, he has an outhouse on the catio and once held it all day because I accidentally left his door locked 😬
I felt like a horrible cat mom that day 😭
I feel ya! One of mine just seems to prefer to poo on the floor regardless of how clean or how many litter boxes there are for her. I think she just prefers the tiles:(
wow, good work mum! 1 cat, 1 box here (v v small home)-- however, it is scooped the *moment* she's done--I'm extremely well trained and she has v high standards: box must be pristine before she flings the litter 🤦♀️
That is a lot of litter boxes. The litter robot would help you reduce the number of litter boxes. It is expensive but amazing. You use less litter so it probably pays for itself over time. Sharing a coupon if you want it. 💙 https://share.litter-robot.com/x/A0ECaw
I've been using it for a year, and I can tell you there is no smell.
It needs to be scooped & sifted every day. You can't just leave it for weeks. If it isn't sifted, the silica can't absorb the urine & lock in the smell. I find most people who complain it smells aren't cleaning the box daily. 🤷♀️
But now look at he eyes of beauty.
To charge up the battery a bit.
Mofo sends purrs. 😊❤️
LOVE YOU ♥️♥️♥️
I felt like a horrible cat mom that day 😭
No smell.
Tracks cat urinary health.
1 bag easily lasts 2 months for 2 cats.
No dust for them or for you.
We love it!🐈⬛
That's $980 for 3 weeks of use. And the stuff starts stenching at 2 weeks.
3 weeks for ONE cat.
Where are you located?
It's $28.97 for an 8lb bag here. We have 2 cats and use 1 8lb bag every 6 weeks.
One cat, 3 weeks, and it smells like a piss factory. And it doesn't even cover up the poop smell.
It needs to be scooped & sifted every day. You can't just leave it for weeks. If it isn't sifted, the silica can't absorb the urine & lock in the smell. I find most people who complain it smells aren't cleaning the box daily. 🤷♀️