``To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.''
The bravest girl I know….
The bravest girl I know….
(Cheering section!!!)
I understand your deep love for
Missy. I am so in love with my 8 year
year old Orson.
The eyes sure convey their love.
Missy has the most
beautiful eyes.
Pi Patel - Life of Pi.
I know you worry about her so much. Your love for her is so strong and you show us all how much you would do for her.
She fights and gives you so much love in return for your support and for helping her in her battle.
Bless you both ♥️♥️♥️
I have honestly never seen a cat have eyes of that green before.
good morning Missy BBBobtail. I hope your day is as lovely as you are. 💕👑🐾
I love reading these heartfelt words about you, and
I love you too…♥️♥️♥️
Without love their is no real life.
Green ,the best colour , only 6% of the world has green eyes
A special wee cat