I mean being an American has always meant being party to genocide and illicit foreign wars and environmental destruction, but this new chapter is appalling in a fresh new way, and insanely destructive of the stability of the political and natural worlds.
There are things in our history (Native genocide, Hiroshima, etc.) that I've always been ashamed of.
But watching Trump form an alliance with a murdering sociopath like Putin, hurt Ukraine, insult its president, and smash my nation into splinters is a special kind of hell for me.
When I lived in ireland in the late 80s I told people I was Canadian because Reagan. Now I lead with the fact that I'm irish when abroad. And i always take my eu passport.
In the past, the destruction was often done in pursuit of some kind of (selfish, misguided) ideals or (abhorrent) vision. Now it's largely for the amusement of small-minded, insecure men. They're lighting us on fire not even to keep themselves warm but because our screams give them a thrill.
You are one of my favourite Americans. I will still buy your books. And I understand that there are some great thinkers and writers in your country. I hope that you and your compatriot's work, will still be accessible to the world. You all have contributed so much to our understanding of our world.
I KNOW YOU ARE. I know most educated Americans are. Still, your country--as represented by its President--is doing this. Only your country can change it.
Thank-you. We know that it's not all of you, or even a majority. Solidarity to you, US friends, as you find your feet, dig in and push back on your leadership.
In the meantime, I'm just gonna chill over here and try not to barf with existential terror.
I think it fair to say Canadians are feeling deeply betrayed right now, but more worrying is how little Americans seem to care that America is embracing fascism and most folks appear to be OK with that, it’s heartbreaking to watch.
We too are sad and horrified. And a sincere ask: We need to see much more action, much more resistance from everyone who does not want to appear complicit in this carnage. Right now he runs the show, the news, the headlines. His presence needs to be drowned out by the actions of a true majority.
Not sure the apologies cut it with Canadian leadership. I fear, however, if this lasts very long, the damage/ anger towards US from Canadians may be permanent.
We are aware of the flux & flow to American politics - when we cease being a target for annexation we will stop booing your sports teams. We are always wary of you - it is like sleeping with an elephant - but Canadians just want peace. Get your grown-ups back in control & we'll be fine.
Don't worry about Canada, friends. The entire world still has our back, and Trump's attacks have been an amazing force for national unity. You're in more actual danger from the criminals your idiot neighbors elected. Be well, and sorry about the harm we are doing in self defense.
But watching Trump form an alliance with a murdering sociopath like Putin, hurt Ukraine, insult its president, and smash my nation into splinters is a special kind of hell for me.
Do you have a recent one I've missed? Post the link?
In the meantime, I'm just gonna chill over here and try not to barf with existential terror.
Pretty much everyone except Russia/their nearby puppet states, China, and North Korea really.
Close Pine Gap!