ToTK doesn't add much to Botw at all, all while ignoring events from that game (Divine beasts being missing, Bolson seemingly not knowing who you are even though the Tarrey Town questline is canon, etc.) It just feels very unfocused...
I could also rant about ToTK's new mechanics, but now I REALLY want to talk about the sage abilities! The special abilities from botw were really useful (especially Mipha and Revali's), but in ToTK, it's just... summoning copies of the sages? And their situational dungeon abilities??? Okay???
YEAH. THEY'RE PITIFUL!! Except for Tulin... we love Tulin. The others though? Nothing, NOTHING they can do can't be done better AND easier by something else in the game. I could go on and on but they're just awfully designed... Again, except Tulin, he lands more headshots than I ever will
Okay I'll go on a LITTLE longer. You'd think they'd be strong or useful cause they're elemental SAGES... No. Just glue together a weapon for that. Having them out is a genuine burden most times because they're IN THE WAY- They'll both constantly misfire and never be reachable... WHO MADE THIS? WHY??
Horses are just kind of useless even if you upgrade them, and the towing harness is EXTRA useless. I don't know why it exists??
Just the sage abilities. I'll say no more or I'll never stop talking