For the evening crowd: I put words to my nagging concerns, which last semester became fully realized fears, about how students use generative AI - despite the very real harms that generative AI has caused and continues to cause.
We have a lot to think about as we write our syllabi.
We have a lot to think about as we write our syllabi.
I’m just saying abstinence policy didn’t work for sex, drugs, or Rock n Roll.
Maybe instead of saying don’t use this thing everyone else is going to use anyway we teach how to use it ethically?
But in short by choosing what you use to train (don’t steal training materials) and how you use it. Use it to support people, not replace them.
If one's goal is for students to better read, think, and communicate, please explain exactly how and why AI will usually help with that, and not be contrary to seeking those goals.
When writing it use it check grammar and tone. LLMs are basically autocorrect on steroids so it’s great for improving communication.